Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
D. Guiraud is the conference chair of IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference to be held in Montpellier in April 2015.
M. Hayashibe is Co-Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Human Movement Understanding at Robotics and Automation Society with E. Demircan (Univ. of Tokyo), D. Kulic (Univ. of Waterloo) and D. Oetomo (Univ. of Melbourne).
Member of the organizing committees
D. Andreu is organizer of the working group on Control Architectures of Robots of the french GdR Robotique.
D. Andreu is co-organizer of the "action transversale inter-GdR" ALROB (Architectures Logicielles pour la ROBotique autonome et les systèmes adaptables)of the CNRS, implying the french GdR Robotique and GdR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel
Scientific events selection
All the team members are involved in reviewing articles for various conferences and journals both in engineering and biomedical fields.
Chair of conference program committees
D. Andreu has been Chair of Corporate Partnerships & Exhibits, IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NERÕ15)
C. Azevedo Coste was program chair of IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference held in Montpellier in April 2015.
Member of the conference program committees
Daniel Simon was member of the RTNS'15 (Real Time Networks and Systems), ETFA'15 (Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation) and ICINCO'15 (International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics) int. conference program commitees.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was Associate Editor of IEEE ICRA'16 (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) in charge of handling reviews on 6 papers in Oct.2015.
Daniel Simon was reviewer for the CDC'15 (Ieee Conf. on Decision and Control).
Member of the editorial boards
M. Hayashibe is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, in Rehabilitation Robotics. M. Hayashibe is Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics, Biosig- nal processing and computational methods to enhance sensory motor neuroprosthetics, with David Guiraud, Dario Farina, and Jose L. Pons.
C. Azevedo Coste is Associate Editor of Paladyn Journal Behavioral Robotics (Assistive robotics).
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international conferences. Daniel Simon was reviewer for the 'Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International' journal.
Invited talks
Daniel Simon gave talks about "real-time simulation of hybrid systems" at ALROB meeting (LIP6, december 7) and about "Feedback control and slacken real-time" at the Inria meeting on probabilistic scheduling (Paris, december 8).
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was invited to give a talk about "Personalized Neuroprosthetics and Personalized Home Rehabilitation" at Faculty seminer, Portsmouth University, UK on 11th March 2015.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was invited to give a talk about "Personalized Neuroprosthetics - Evoked EMG based Muscle Activation Closed-loop Control in Electrical Stimulation" at ERC (European Research Council) DEMOVE Symposium on 12th June 2015 at University Medical Center Gottingen, Germany (Prof. Dario Farina) .
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was invited to give a talk about Personalized Neuroprosthetics and Synergetic Learning Control" at 3rd Symposium on Embodied- Brain Systems Science, University of Tokyo, Japan on 21th August 2015.
Christine AZEVEDO COSTE was invited by CEFIPRA (India) to a workshop "Understanding and faciliation of neural plasticity for enhancing post stroke recovery" in New Delhi in October 2015.
Christine AZEVEDO COSTE was invited to give a presentation during the "Simpósio Internacional em Eletroestimulacão Aplicada a Tecnologia Assistiva" in Brasilia, Brazil in December 2015.
Christine AZEVEDO COSTE gave a talk during scientific seminar of the "Institut du Mouvement Humain et Cybernétique" (Montpellier, France) in November 2015 "Analyse, modélisation et assistance du mouvement".
Christine AZEVEDO COSTE gave a talk during "Journées scientifiques Inria", in June 2015 (Nancy, France) "Contrôle artificiel du mouvement humain : observer, interpréter, assister".