Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Participants : Christine Azevedo Coste, David Andreu, Benoît Sijobert.
SENSAS is an Inria ADT (Actions de Développement Technologique), implying several Inria project teams on the "SENSor network ApplicationS" theme. SENSAS aims to propose applications based on wireless sensor and actuator network nodes provided from the work done around senslab and senstools preliminary projects. SENSAS is organized around the following work packages :
SensMGT : Wireless sensor/actuator network management/configuration applications
SensBox : Wireless sensor/actuator network simulation applications and tools
Our team is mainly implied in the SensBio work package, in particular for the following applications: Spinal Cord Injured Patients FES-Assisted Sit to Stand, Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient FES-correction of drop foot, Gait analysis of parkinson freezing and Motion analysis of longterm race data.
INTENSE project
Participants : David Guiraud, Olivier Rossel, Melissa Dali, Christine Azevedo Coste, David Andreu, Jérémie Salles, Guy Cathébras, Fabien Soulier, Baptiste Colombani, Guillaume Souquet, Milan Demarcq.
INTENSE (Initiative Nationale Technologique d'Envergure pour une NeuroStimulation Evoluée) is a PIA-PSPC Project (Programme Investissement d'Avenir, Projets RD Structurants des Pôles de Compétitivité) [2012-2018]. The aim of this project is to develop new implantable devices, based on neurostimulation, for heart failure.
Partners of this project are: DEMAR, SORIN CRM, MXM-Obélia, 3D plus, CEA-Leti, INRA Rennes, INSERM Rennes, HEGP, CHU Rennes.
BCI-LIFT: an Inria Project-Lab
Participants : Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Saugat Bhattacharyya.
BCI-LIFT is a large-scale 4-year research initiative (2015-2018) which aim is to reach a next generation of non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), more specifically BCI that are easier to appropriate, more efficient, and suit a larger number of people. We work on BCI-FES study for promoting motor learning.