Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

We collaborate with Javier Bustos from Inria Chile and his group on the measurements and analysis of users' quality of experience. This collaboration fits within our respective projects Adkinton Mobile and ACQUA, and aims at collecting measurements of both network and experience, and at using these measurements for the analysis and calibration of users' experience new models and for the design of network troubleshooting techniques in case of service degradation. In 2015, we hosted a student from Inria Chile who worked with us on setting up an experimental platform for Quality of Experience Measurement instantiated to the particular case of YouTube streaming. We also worked together on the Skype use case and published the results in [16] .

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

We have collaborated with researchers at NICT, Japan to propose the Contrace tool for measuring and tracing Content-Centric Networks (CCNs). The tool allows to estimate the content popularity and can help in designing more effective cache control mechanisms.

We have an ongoing collaboration with Katia Obraczka's team at UCSC on the decentralization of the SDN control plane, following our previous COMMUNITY associated team.

We have collaborated with researchers at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) and Universidad de Chile to design PcapWT, an efficient packet extraction tool for large experimentation traces.

We are collaborating with Augustin Chaintreau from Columbia University on the use of social networks to attrack traffic on news media sites.

We are collaborating with David Choffnes from Northeastern University on the detection, analysis, and prevention of privacy leaks from mobile devices.

We have designed and demonstrated a solution for virtual Service Providers in SOHO networks in collaboration with Ericsson and LISPERS.net (http://www.lispers.net/ ). The principle is to allow homenets and SOHO networks to use services normally available only for large networks. This, thanks to the virtualization of the Internet connections by the mean of overlay routing. We implemented a demonstrator using LISP implementation provided by LISPERS.net and deployed it in Google Cloud. The key element of the concept is a virtual CPE that has been implemented on a Raspberry Pi demonstrating the potential of the solution for IoT. A demonstration of the fully functional system can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzk-h5UK54E .

We collaborate with the CRISTAL Lab at ENSI in Tunisia on memory optimizations for content routing. See [17] for more details.