Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Walid Dabbous is in member of the technical program committee of the IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds, CNERT 2016. He gave an invited talk on Realistic and Reproducible Wireless Networking Experiments at the REPPAR'2015 workshop at Vienna. He is founding member of the ns-3 consortium and co-organized the ns-3 workshop in May 2015. He is vice-president of the PlanetLab Europe consortium. He co-organizes the workshop on Future challenges in User-Centric Networks, co-located with Sigmetrics 2016 in June 2016. He is member of the scientific council of the Inria Bell-Labs laboratory on Communication networks of the future. He also servers as a chair of the scientific committee of the User Centric Networking (UCN@Sophia) Laroratory of Excellence. He is member of board of directors of the Telecom Platform Association responsible for the deployment and operation of the Com4Innov mutualized platform. He co-organized the joint UCN@Sophia Labex - Com4Innov day on research and experimentation. He is also member of the Ubinet International Master program steering committee. He is member of the Inria Sophia Antipolis project committee's bureau (Bureau du CP).
Thierry Turletti, Senior ACM and IEEE member, served in 2015 in the program committees of the following international workshops: the 21th Packet Video Workshop, Sydney, Australia, USA, June 4-5, 2015, the 6th Workshop on ns-3 at Barcelona, Spain, May 13, 2015, the 10th ACM Mobicom Workshop on Challenged Networks at Paris, France, September 11, 2015, the 11th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC), Bangkok, Thailand, November 2015 and the 13th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MOBIWAC), Cancun, Mexico, November 2015; Thierry Turletti is member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information (WINET) published by Springer Science and of the Advances in Multimedia Journal published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation. He is president of the Committee for Technological Development (CDT) and member of the committee NICE that studies postdoc and visiting researcher applications at Inria Sophia Antipolis
Chadi Barakat is on the editorial board of the Computer Networks journal, on the Technical Program Committee for the Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) 2015 workshop, the Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) 2016 Conference, the Algotel 2016 Conference, the ACM SIGCOMM 2015 Posters and Demos Session, and Publicity Co-Chair for ACM SIGCOMM 2015. He is currently the scientific referee for international affairs at Inria Sophia Antipolis and member of the Conseil d’Orientation Scientifique et Technologique (COST) at Inria within the working group of international affairs (COST-GTRI).
Arnaud Legout is on the editorial board of the Computer Networks journal, and was PC member of the ACM CoNEXT 2015 conference. Arnaud Legout is the president of the Commission of the users of IT resources of Sophia Antipolis Inria research center.
Damien Saucez is member of the TPC of DRCN 2016 and CCNC 2016. Damien Saucez is secretary and document shepherding at the IETF LISP working group (details about the secretary and shepherd roles can be found in RFC 2418 and RFC 4858). Damien Saucez is secretary of the Project Committee (CP) at Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée.