Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master and PhD at NTNU (Trondheim, Norway): 25 hours intensive course on Game Theory and Network Economics
Undergraduate students, Probability, 40 hours, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam
Master M1: Performance and dependability evaluation of computer systems, 54 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M2: Mathematics, 12 hours Istic/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M2: Logistic and performance, 8 hours, Faculté de sciences économiques/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M1: Computer networks, 24 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M1: Wireless Networks, 48 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M1: Introduction to graph theory, 14 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M2: Dependability analysis, 15 hours, SUPELEC Engineering School, Rennes, France
Master M1: Networks and protocols, 24 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M2: Multimedia streaming over IP (MMR), 50 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M2: Multimedia services in IP networks (RSM), 29 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France
Master M2: Software Defined Networks, 4 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France
PhD in progress: Ajit Rai, “Availability prediction with logistics”, started in May 2015; advisor: B. Tuffin & G. Rubino, University Rennes 1.
Master: Yves Mocquard, “On population protocols”; advisors: Bruno Sericola and Emmanuelle Anceaume, University of Rennes 1.
PhD in progress: Corentin Hardy, “Device-Assisted Distributed Machine-Learning on Many Cores”, started on November 2015; advisors: Bruno Sericola, University of Rennes 1.
PhD in progress: Yves Mocquard, “Analyse de flux de données massifs dans les systèmes distribués large échelle”, started on September 2015; advisors: Bruno Sericola and Emmanuelle Anceaume, University of Rennes 1.
Btissam Errahmadi; Cifre Grant, Orange Labs; title: “Coopération et auto-* dans un réseau de small cells”; PhD started on January 2013; advisors: C. Viho and A. Ksentini; University Rennes 1.
Osama Arouk; title: “Cellular-based M2M communication: congestion control”; PhD started on December 2012; advisors: C. Viho and A. Ksentini; University Rennes 1.
Farouk Messaoudi, title: “Orchestration et la virtualisation des ressources de terminaux, la vision Global OS”; PhD started on October 2014, advisor: A. Ksentini, P. Bertin; University Rennes 1.
Florient Grandhomme, title:“Etudes de protocoles de routage dynamique externe de type BGP dans un environnement réseaux tactiques adhoc mobiles : faisabilité, performances, qualité de service, et passage à l'échelle.”, PhD started on October 2014, advisors: A. Ksentini, G. Guette; University Rennes 1.
Louiza Yala, title: “CDNaaS: Content Delivery Network as a Service”, PhD started on October 2015, advisors: A. Ksentini; University Rennes 1.
Imad Awad, title: “Mobile SDN architecture for 5G”, PhD started on October 2015, advisors: A. Ksentini, P. Bertin; University Rennes 1.
Jean-Michel Sanner; Cifre Grant, Orange Labs, “SDN technologies for network services performances adaptation of carriers networks”; started on January 2013; Advisors: Y. Hadjadj-Aoul and G. Rubino; University Rennes 1.
Yue Li; Cifre Grant, Orange Labs; title: “Elaboration d'une architecture réseau unifiée, ouverte et flexible”, started on October 2013; Advisors: Y. Hadjadj-Aoul and G. Rubino; University Rennes 1.
Meriem Bouzouita; cotutelle between University of Rennes 1 and Carthage University; title: “Optimized random access for M2M communications in LTE-Advanced Networks”, started on October 2012; Advisors: Y. Hadjadj, N. Zangar, S. Tabbane, C. Viho; Carthage University, University Rennes 1.
Hamza Ben Ammar; University of Rennes 1; title: “Socially-aware network and cache resources optimization for efficient media content delivery in Content Centric Networks (CCN)”, started on October 2015; Advisors: Y. Hadjadj, A. Kentini, S. Ait-Chellouche; University of Rennes 1.
Nicolas Jara Carvallo; joint PhD between the University of Rennes 1 in France and the UTFSM in Chile; title: “Fault tolerant design of dynamic WDM optical networks”, started on October 2015; Advisors: R. Vallejos in Chile, G. Rubino in France.
Laura Aspirot; PhD from the University of the Republic, Uruguay; title: “Fluid Approximations for Stochastic Telecommunication Models”; co-advisors: E. Mordecki from UDELAR and G. Rubino in France.
Jorge Graneri; PhD from the University of the Republic, Uruguay; title: “Mathematical models for semantic memory pathologies”; co-advisors: E. Mizraji from UDELAR and G. Rubino in France.
Bruno Tuffin was a member of the following Habilitation defense committees:
Pascal Redou. Modèles formels pour l'analyse et la simulation in virtuo de systèmes complexes d'inspiration biologique. Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, 2015, rapporteur.
P. Maillé. Insights from economic studies of telecommunication networks. Telecom Bretagne Rennes, Octobre 2015.
Gerardo Rubino was a member of the following Habilitation defense committee:
Gwendal Simon. Massive Interactive Multimedia Services Over the Internet. HDR of the University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France. April 7, 2015. President of the jury.
Bruno Tuffin was a member of the following PhD defense committees:
Josu Doncel. Efficiency of Distributed Queueing Games and of Path Discovery Algorithms. LAAS-CNRS, March 2015.
Christelle Vergé. Modèle d'îlots de particules et application en fiabilité. École Polytechnique, Juillet 2015, rapporteur.
Jeanne Demgne. Modélisation d?actifs industriels pour l?optimisation robuste des stratégies de maintenance. Université de Pau et de l'Amour, Octobre 2015, rapporteur.
Vincent Moutoussamy. Contributions àl'analyse de fiabilité structurale : prise en compte de contraintes de monotonie pour les modèles numériques. Université de Toulouse, Novembre 2015, rapporteur.
Yangyang Chen. Performance Analysis of Mobile Relays for LTE. Telecom Bretagne, December 2015.
Bruno Sericola was a member of the following:
The jury for allocating the Inria Ph.D. and Research Supervising Bonus.
The jury for allocating the university students' thesis grants.
The PhD defense committee of Mathilde Pascal, “Oral health in children and young adults after renal transplantation”, UFR d'ondontologie, university of Rennes 1, December 2015, examinateur.
Adlen Ksentini was member of the following PhD defense committees:
Mamadou Tourad DIALLO, Qualité d'expérience et adaptation de service vidéo. Institut Mines-Télécom Sud Paris, Juin 2015, rapporteur.
Shengyang Chen, Etude des méthodes d'ordonnancement sur les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, Univ. Reims, Octobre 2015, rapporteur.
C. Viho was a member of the juries for the recruitment of young Associate Professors and senior Professors at ISTIC-Université Rennes 1. He was a member of the following PhD defense committees:
Tanguy Ropitault, “Routage et performances dans les réseaux CPL pour le Smart Grid”, Telecom Bretagne, June 2015, president.
Roudy Dagher, “Sur la radionavigation dans les villes intelligentes du futur : Le cas des réseaux de capteurs sans-fils”, Université de Lille 1, June 2015, rapporteur.
Gerardo Rubino was a member of the following PhD defense committees:
Thiago Wanderlay Matos de Abreu. “Modélisation et analyse de performances des réseux en chaîne basés sur IEEE 802.11”. ENS Lyon, March 2015. Reviewer.
Pedro Vilanova. “Multilevel approximations of Markovian jump processes with applications in communication networks”. Center for Uncertainty Quantification, Stochastic Numerics Research Group, KAUST, Saudi Arabia, May 2015.