Section: Overall Objectives

Overall objectives

The main objectives of the project are the identification, the conception and the selection of the most appropriate network architectures for a communication service, as well as the development of computing and mathematical tools for the fulfillment of these tasks. These objectives lead to two types of complementary research fields: the systems' qualitative aspects (e.g. protocol testing and design) and the quantitative aspects which are essential to the correct dimensioning of these architectures and the associated services (performance, dependability, Quality of Service (QoS), Quality of Experience (QoE) and performability).

The DIONYSOS group works on different problems related to the design and the analysis of communication services. Such services require functionality specifications, decisions about where and how they must be deployed in a system, and the dimensioning of their different components. The interests of the project concern not only particular classes of systems but also methodological aspects.

Concerning the communication systems themselves, we focus on IP networks, at different levels. Concerning the types of networks considered, we mainly work in the wireless area, in particular on sensor networks, on Content Delivery Networks for our work around measuring the perceived quality, the main component of QoE, and on some aspects of optical networks. We also work on the assessment of interoperability between specific network components, which is essential to ensure that they interact correctly before they get deployed in a real environment. Our team contributes in providing solutions (methods, algorithms and tools) which help in obtaining efficient interoperability test suites for new generation networks. From the application point of view, we also have activities in network economics methodologies, a critical multi-disciplinary area for telecommunications providers, with many defying open problems for the near future.

For most of previous mentioned problems, our work concern their quantitative aspects. The quantitative aspects we are interested in are QoE, performance, dependability, performability, QoS, vulnerability, etc. We develop techniques for the evaluation of these different aspects of the considered systems through models and through measurement techniques. In particular, we develop techniques to measure in an automatic way the quality of a video or audio communication as perceived by the final user. The methods we work with range from discrete event simulation and Monte Carlo procedures to analytical techniques, and include numerical algorithms as well. Our main mathematical tools are stochastic processes in general and queuing models and Markov chains in particular, optimization techniques, graph theory, combinatorics, etc.