Section: New Results

HoMade in 2015

Interruption support

In the last release of HoMade we introduced interruptions. Up to 7 interruptions are supported. The priority is static and each trap is associated to one of the 7 first VCs of the master, they are called trap1 .. trap7. Trap is par nature reflective. When a trap is raised the HoMade master reaches a no-preemptive kernel. Traps have no effect on the slaves, they can continue to work. At the end of trap execution, HoMade master resumes the sequential execution, trap codes should be clean and should restitute the stack as it was when they began. A WAIT instruction and a long IP cannot be interrupted. An example of interrupts is provided in the reconfiguration part later.

New assembly language

HoMade waits for two binary codes: one for the master and one for the slaves. These two codes are loaded via the UART port and triggers a global reset of all the softcores after. Binary codes are a sequence of 16 bits words finishing by a long word filled with 4 NULL. Our post fixed macro assembler generates some binary codes from text files. This assembly language introduces some flow controls like if for repeat. It is also based on PC and VC definitions. Now the particular operator := generates reflective behaviors via WIM instructions. The syntax is so simple than everybody can understand a program. A full new syntax description is available with the assembler on the official HoMade web site : https://sites.google.com/site/homadeguide/assembleur-homade-v6 . Here is the code for a mono HoMade to implement a reflective execution of Fibonacci suite. Switches values are put on the top on the stack to indicate the position in the list we want to process. Different input buttons affect the execution: • Button 0 changes to soft fibo execution using some library IPs. SWAP ROT DUP = - + are IPs to change the tops of the stack or to process dyadic integer operators. • Button 1 changes to hard execution using fibo vhdl long IP • Other buttons process the current fibo (hard or soft).

  :IP fibo $AC54 ; // fibo hard IPcode 54

  // XX = 1 YY = 1


    : read

      $1f // immediate hexa

      btnpush // IP reads buttons pushed

      switch // IP reads switches


    : fibo_soft // function declare

      1 1 rot

      3 -


        dup rot +





    VC fibo_dyn := fibo_soft // VC init soft




    swap dup

    0 = // test button

    if // reflective process

      fibo_dyn := fibo_soft


    1 =


      fibo_dyn := fibo


    fibo_dyn // call VC

    7seg // IP to print result


    btn // button to pause


    again // infinite loop


When the VC fibo_dyn is called, you call hard or soft Fibonacci version depending of the sequence of pushed button. The soft code is 7 time slower than the hard code. The extra cost due to reflective facility is 2 cycles by VC call.

Dynamic IP reconfiguration

Xilinx chips are offering capabilities to program some pre-reserved chip areas with different bitsreams and this during the execution itself. It is not instantaneous and even worse the reconfiguration time depends of the length of the bitstream (the size of the area). Do not abuse of partial reconfigurations! But for some applications where context evolves at a “human speed”, our design can benefit of this functionality to adapt the hardware to the current context. It is easy to introduce this notion in HoMade: just insert an IP! This IP has to manage the bitstream memory and the ICAP to load them in the predefined areas. We develop a such IP for the master, without broadcast of bitstream to the slaves for the moment. This IP reconfiguration only needs to know the bitstream address. Effectively for Xilinx, the data inside the bitstream are sufficient to achieve the reconfiguration. We introduced the new keyword `in the assembler in order to express IP reconfigurations. The declaration of reconfigurable IPs may also include the bitstream address. Now we can program dynamic partial reconfiguration of IPs using our dedicated IP that we developed. Furthermore we can couple the dynamic reconfiguration with the reflective notion. Here is a simple example with dynamic image filters. The filter processes 1 block of 3x3 pixels. The 9 pixels are stored on the 3 top of the stack by aggregation of 3 pixels per word. External actuators can change from one IP to the other. We used interrupts and traps to apply this migration.

  program // bistream addresses between ( )

    :IP IP_median $EC11 ($0);

    :IP IP_Sobel $EC22 ($49E);

    VC filter

    : T1

      IP_median ^^

      filter := IP_median


    : T2

      IP_moyenne ^^

      filter := IP_moyenne

      trap1 := T1 // interrupt level 1

      trap2 := T2 // Interrupt level 2

      : get3pix // must be defined &




      $7D for

        get3Pix // 3x3 pixels on stack



        -rot swap

        $7D for

          filter // current IP

          get3Pix // next 3 pixels






Concerning dynamic reconfiguration of IPs, we are testing a dedicated IP to manage directly the ICAP of Xilinx. The different bitstreams are stored in DDR3 and this IP finds the starting address from the stack. Of course this is a long IP. Some optimization to broadcast efficiently the same bitstream towards different slave reconfigurable areas are still a big challenge with Xilinx architecture.

IP fusion

To be free from EDA companies, we are deploying IP fusion strategies to manage the dynamic reconfiguration by ourselves. We obtain good results concerning the reconfiguration time, but for large and very different IPs, the fusion works like an aggregation of two IPs and the surface gain is insignificant.

Using hardware parallelism for reducing power consumption in video streaming applications

In the PhD thesis of Karim Ali we exploited using a flexible parallel hardware-based architecture in conjunction with frequency scaling as a technique for reducing power consumption in video streaming applications. In this work, we derived equations to ease the calculation for the level of parallelism and the maximum depth for the FIFOs used for clock domain crossing. Accordingly, a design space was formed including all the design alternatives for the application. The preferable design alternative is selected in aware of how much hardware it costs and what power reduction goal it can satisfy. We used Xilinx Zynq ZC706 evaluation board to implement two video streaming applications: Video downscaler (1:16) and AES encryption algorithm to verify our approach. The experimental results showed up to 19.6% power reduction for the video downscaler and up to 5.4% for the AES encryption. The architecture and experimental results were published in a paper entitled "Using hardware parallelism for reducing power consumption in video streaming applications" at the 10th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC) in Jun 2015, Bremen, Germany [12] .

In collaboration with NAVYA, we started the first steps to implement a stereo vision algorithm over a parallel architecture using FPGA technologies. The algorithm is based on a local approach for calculating the disparity map using sum of absolute difference between the right and the left image. As a first step, we exploited the possible optimization levels that can be applied at the software level. After that by using high level synthesis tool (Vivado HLS from Xilinx) the code was written in C in a way that facilitates its conversion into HDL files. Optimization techniques were applied to reduce both the hardware resources and time required for processing one frame. This design was tested experimentally to show around 50% decrease in the time required for processing one frame if compared to the software one. Currently, we are in the step of exploring more techniques for hardware optimization and decreasing the processing time to meet the industrial requirements of our partner.

A scalable flexible and dynamic reconfigurable architecture for high performance embedded computing

In collaboration with Nolam Embedded Systems (NES) and in the framework of the CIFRE PhD of Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan, we proposed a scalable and customizable reconfigurable computing platform, with a parallel full-duplex switched communication network, and a software execution model to redefine the computation, communication and reconfiguration paradigms in high performance embedded systems. High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) applications are becoming highly sophisticated and resource consuming for three reasons. First, they should capture and process real-time data from several I/O sources in parallel. Second, they should adapt their functionalities according to the application or environment variations within given Size Weight and Power (SWaP) constraints. Third, since they process several parallel I/O sources, applications are often distributed on multiple computing nodes making them highly parallel. Due to the hardware parallelism and I/O bandwidth offered by Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), application can be duplicated several times to process parallel I/Os, making Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) the favorite execution model for designers implementing parallel architectures on FPGAs. Furthermore Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) feature allows efficient reuse of limited hardware resources, making FPGA a highly attractive solution for such applications. The problem with current HPEC systems is that, they are usually built to meet the needs of a specific application, i.e., lacks flexibility to upgrade the system or reuse existing hardware resources. On the other hand, applications that run on such hardware architectures are constantly being upgraded. Thus there is a real need for flexible and scalable hardware architectures and parallel execution models in order to easily upgrade the system and reuse hardware resources within acceptable time bounds. Thus these applications face challenges such as obsolescence, hardware redesign cost, sequential and slow reconfiguration, and wastage of computing power.

Addressing the challenges described above, we propose an architecture that allows the customization of computing nodes (FPGAs), broadcast of data (I/O, bitstreams) and reconfiguration several or a subset of computing nodes in parallel. The software environment leverages the potential of the hardware switch, to provide support for the SPMD execution model. Finally, in order to demonstrate the benefits of our architecture, we have implemented a scalable distributed secure H.264 encoding application along with several avionic communication protocols for data and control transfers between the nodes. We have used a FMC based high-speed serial Front Panel Data Port (sFPDP) data acquisition protocol to capture, encode and encrypt RAW video streams. The system has been implemented on 3 different FPGAs, respecting the SPMD execution model. In addition, we have also implemented modular I/Os by swapping I/O protocols dynamically when required by the system. We have thus demonstrated a scalable and flexible architecture and a parallel runtime reconfiguration model in order to manage several parallel input video sources. These results represent a conceptual proof of a massively parallel dynamically reconfigurable next generation embedded computers [16]  [15] . The PhD of Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan has been defended in the 12th of october 2015 .