Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Anne Bouillard (Cours) et Ana Busic (TD) Structures et algorithmes aléatoires 80heqTD, L3, ENS, France.
Licence : Anne Bouillard (Cours) Théorie de l'information et du codage 36 heqTD, L3, ENS, France.
Licence : Anne Bouillard (Cours) Algorithmique et programmation 21 heqTD, L3, ENS, France.
Licence : Anne Bouillard (TD) Systèmes digitaux 9 heqTD, L3, ENS, France.
Master: Bartek Blaszczyszyn (with Laurent Massoulié), Graduate Course on point processes, stochastic geometry and random graphs (program “Master de Sciences et Technologies”), 45h, UPMC, Paris 6, France.
Master : Bartek Blaszczyszyn (with Laurent Decreusefond), Graduate Course on Spatial Stochastic Modeling of Wireless Networks (master program “Advanced Communication Networks”), 45h, l'X and Telecom ParisTech, Paris.
Master : Anne Bouillard (Cours + TD) Fondements de la modélisation des réseaux 18heqTD, M2, MPRI, France
Master: Ana Busic et Marc Lelarge (Cours) et Rémi Varloot (TD) Modèles et algorithmes de réseaux, 50heqTD, M1, ENS, Paris, France.
Master: Ana Busic, Simulation, 9hCours, M2 AMIS, UVSQ, France
Master: Marc Lelarge (Cours), Algorithms for Networked Information, 27heqTD, M2 ACN, Ecole polytechnique
Master: Marc Lelarge (TD), Networks: distributed control and emerging phenomena, 36 heqTD, M1, Ecole polytechnique.
HdR : Marc Lelarge, Topics in random graphs, combinatorial optimization, and statistical inference[2] , ENS, 23 février 2015.
PhD : Miodrag Jovanovic, Evaluation and optimization of the quality perceived by mobile users for new services in cellular networks, started in January 2012, defended in 2015 advisor B. Blaszczyszyn, co-advisor M.Karray; [1]
PhD in progress : Kumar Gaurav, Convex comparison of network architectures, started in October 2011, advisor B. Blaszczyszyn;
PhD in progress : Christelle Rovetta, Applications of perfect sampling to queuing networks and random generation of combinatorial objects, from December 2013, co-advised by Anne Bouillard and Ana Busic;
PhD in progress : Umar Hashmi, Decentralized control for renewable integration in smartgrids, from December 2015, advisors: A. Busic and M. Lelarge;
PhD in progress: Lennart Gulikers, Spectral clustering, depuis décembre 2014, encadrants: Marc Lelarge et Laurent Massoulié
PhD in progress : Rémi Varloot, Dynamique de Formation des Réseaux, depuis février 2015, encadrants: Marc Lelarge et Laurent Massoulié
PhD in progress: Alexandre Hollocou, Local community detection, depuis décembre 2015, encadrants: Thomas Bonald et Marc Lelarge
A. Busic: Examiner for PhD: Pierre-Antoine BRAMERET (ENS Cachan) 2015.
A. Busic: membre du jury de recrutement CR2 Inria Saclay - Île-de-France.
A. Busic: membre de la Commission des Emplois Scientifiques du CRI Paris‐Rocquencourt
A. Busic: membre de la Commission de développement technologique (CDT) de Paris-Rocquencourt
M. Lelarge: External Examiner for PhD: Jean Barbier (ENS) and Hang Zhou (ENS)
M. Lelarge: Member of the hiring committee for “maître de conférence Probabilités (Université Lyon 1)”