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Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Chair of conference program committees

Ana Busic: Valuetools 2015 TPC co-chair. http://valuetools.org/2015/show/home

Member of the conference program committees
  • Bartek Blaszczyszyn: WiOpt/SpaSWiN 2015

  • Anne Bouillard was a member of the program commitee of WiOpt 2015 and Valuetools 2015.

  • Ana Busic: ACM Sigmetrics, WiOpt, IEEE SmartGridComm.

  • Marc Lelarge: WEIS, WiOpt, WAW.


Member of the editorial boards
  • F. Baccelli serves on the editorial borads of: Bernoulli, JAP, AAP et Questa.

  • M. Lelarge serves on the editorial borads of: IEEE's Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Bernoulli Journal and Queueing Systems.

Invited talks

  • F. Baccelli gave the following invited lectures: Keynote Lecture, ISWCS'15, Brussels, August 2015; Invited lecture at the Huawei Vision Forum, Paris, on stochastic geometry for wireless networks, March 2015; Invited lecture at the EPFL Inria Joint Meeting, Lausanne, on coverage in cellular networks, January 2015.

  • Bartek Blaszczyszyn: WiOpt/SpaSWiN 2015, Simons workshop on Stochastic Geometry and Networks, University of Texas at Austin.

  • A. Busic: keynote talk at CaFFEET (California France Forum on Energy Efficiency Technologies); http://caffeet.com/

  • M. Lelarge: The International Symposium on Optimization (ISMP), Pittsburgh (Jul.); CAp2015 : Conférence sur l'APprentissage automatique, Lille (Jul.); Algotel, Beaunes (Jun.); DALI 2015 - Workshop on Learning Theory, Spain (Apr.); Assemblée Générale du GdR Information Signal Image viSion (ISIS), Lyon (Apr.); Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of convexity, Paris (Jan.).