Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
Associate teams: Inria-EVA, Prof. Glaser's team (UC Berkeley), Prof. Kerkez's team (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Objective: Prof. Glaser's and Prof. Kerkez's teams are revolutionizing environmental monitoring by using low power wireless TSCH networks to produce continuous environmental data accessible in real time. They are successfully deploying these networks to study mountain hydrology, observe water quality in urban watersheds, and build intelligent urban stormwater grids. The REALMS associate team conducts research across the environmental engineering and networking research domains. Its 3-year goal is to develop easy-to-use real-world network monitoring solutions to provide real-time data for environmental and urban applications. This goal leads to the following objectives: building a long-term large-scale public connectivity dataset of the networks deployed; using that dataset to model TSCH networks; and building an ecosystem of tools around this technology.
Inria International Partners
Declared Inria International Partners
Inria-EVA has a strong relationship with ENSI (Tunisia) and ENSIAS (Morocco). A significant part of our PhD students come from these engineering schools.
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Collaboration with Prof. Steven Glaser, Ziran Zhang, Carlos Oroza, Sami Malek and Zeshi Zheng through the REALMS associate team, see Section .
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Collaboration with Prof. Branko Kerkez through the REALMS associate team, see Section .
Collaboration with Prof. Danny Hughes, Prof. Wouter Joosen, Dr. Nelson Matthys, Fan Yang, Wilfried Daniels on MicroPnP and on security for the IoT.
Dr. Malisa Vucinic, postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven, works part time in the Inria-EVA team.
We won Third Place in the IPSO CHALLENGE 2015 for common project MicroPnP, see Section 5.1 .
Joint publication(s) in 2015: [35] .
Informal International Partners
Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Collaboration with Prof. Diego Dujovne on OpenWSN and 6TiSCH standardization.
Joint publication(s) in 2015: [10] .
University of Southern California, CA, USA
Collaboration with Prof. Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Pedro Henrique Gomes and Pradipta Gosh on OpenWSN and 6TiSCH-based research.
Joint publication(s) in 2015: [40] .
Collaboration with Prof. Alfredo Grieco, Prof. Gennaro Boggia, Dr. Giuseppe Piro and Savio Sciancalepore on security for the IoT.
Joint publication(s) in 2015: [10] .
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), Sweden
Collaboration with Prof. Olaf Landsiedel, Dr. Simon Duquennoy and Beshr Al Nahas on distributed scheduling for TSCH networks.
Joint publication(s) in 2015: [28] .
Joint publication(s) in 2015: [9] .
Participation In other International Programs
Title: PEACH - PrEcision Agriculture through Climate researcH
International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
Escuela de Informática y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. Coordinator: Prof. Diego Dujovne
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Mendoza, Grupo de I&D en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (GridTICS). Coordinator: Prof. Gustavo Mercado
DHARMa Lab, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Argentina.
Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.
Goal: TPropose a design methodology for a lowpower wireless IoT sensing network, given the requirements and restrictions of a Machine Learning model to predict frost events in peach orchards and vineyards.
Program: Euromediterranean 3+3
International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) allow the development of numerous applications in various domains, such as security and surveillance, environment protection, precision agriculture, intelligent transportation, homecare of elderly and disabled people... Communication in such WSNs has to cope with limited capacity resources, energy depletion of sensor nodes, important fluctuations of traffic in the network, changes in the network topology (radio link breakage, interferences ...) or new application requirements. In the AWSN project, we focus on the different techniques to be introduced in the WSNs to make them auto-adaptive with regard to these various changes, while meeting the application requirements. Thus, we address:
network deployment and redeployment in order to fulfill the application requirements,
QoS (Quality of Service) optimization taking into account real-time traffic and dynamic bandwidth allocation,
component generation and dynamic adaptation of the application.
After the mid-term evaluation, the last topic has been replaced by the use of game theory in WSNs, where the Moroccan team is leader.
Three applications have been identified to apply the results obtained within the AWSN project: e-health, precision agriculture and Industrial WSNs with cooperative mobile robot applications. The first three topics previously defined have to be addressed in all these applications. A hierarchical architecture with different types of networks is present: WBAN and/or WSN, wireless or wired LAN, interconnected to the Internet. In addition, mobile nodes exist in these applications (e.g. mobile sinks with nurses and doctors as well tractors and farm machines, mobile robots).
In 2015, the AWSN project organized two workshops open to students and researchers:
The AWSN project organized also open international workshops and conferences:
RAWSN 2015: Agadir, May 2015, organized by the Moroccan team,
WINCOM 2015: Marrakech, October 2015, organized by the Moroccan team,
the PEMWN 2015 conference in Hammamet in November 2015, 4th edition organized by the Tunisian and French teams, see the program on