Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Freek Stulp is responsible for the coordination of the 5 first year computer science courses at ENSTA-ParisTech (140 students per year). He organized, gave lectures and was a tutor in the courses “IN101: Algorithmics and Programming (in Python)” and “IN104: Computer Science Project” (140 students each). He was a tutor in the course “IN102: Algorithms and Systems (in C)”. With Michele Sebag he organized the course “Reinforcement Learning” (20 students) as part of the M2 “Machine Learning, Information and Content” at the Université Paris Saclay.

  • License: Introduction to Matlab, 21 heures. L3, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master: Apprentissage, 5 heures. M2, Enseirb-Matmeca (Manuel Lopes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • Master: La robotique de compagnie: concepts et tecniques, 9 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (Manuel Lopes).

  • Master: Robotique Mobile, 21 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master: Perception pour la robotique, 12 heures. M2 Systemes Avances et Robotique, University Pierre et Marie Curie (David Filliat)

  • Licence 2: Graphe, Langage, Cryptologie, 21 heures. Pôle universitaire français de Ho Chi Minh Ville

  • Pedagogical resources : Développement and diffusion of IniRobot pedagogical kit (see highlights), Didier Roy, Thomas Guitard et Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

  • Licence, Master: Seminar Developmental Robotics, 21 heures, Bielefeld University, Germany (Anna-Lisa Vollmer)

  • Master: Robotique Développementale, 3 hours, CogMaster, http://sapience.dec.ens.fr/cogmaster/www/e_01_portail.php (PY Oudeyer)

  • Pedagogical resources : Développement and diffusion of IniRobot pedagogical kit (see highlights), Didier Roy, Thomas Guitard et Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

  • Design of the conceptual framework and educational objectives of the Poppy Education courses to be finalized in 2016 (PY Oudeyer and D Roy)

  • Master: Robotique et Desig, 2 hours Master Design, Univ. Bordeaux.

  • Teaching at EPFL (3 interventions per year, 2 days each), Didier Roy

  • Teachers training for ESPE Aquitaine (1 day), teachers training of partner schools for Poppy Education, Didier Roy

  • Training facilitators TAP Pessac (3h), Talence (3h), CapSciences (3h), Petits débrouillards (3h), Didier Roy

  • Teacher trainings and education consultants DSDEN : 2015, 24 participants, Didier Roy


  • HdR : Manuel Lopes, Autonomous Learning in Intelligent Agents and Robots, University of Bordeaux, September 2015

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Hecht, Bio-inspired sensor fusion, started November 2013 (superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD in progress: Egor Sattarov, Multimodal vehicle perception architecture, started November 2013 (co-superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Kopinski, Machine Learning for human-machine interaction, started November 2012 (superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Armand, Contextual electronic copilot for driving assistance, started feb. 2011 (superv. David Filliat)

  • PhD in progress: Yuxin Chen, Interactive learning of objects and names on a humanoid robot, started oct. 2013 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress: Celine Craye, Curiosity and visual attention for the guidance of an exploration robot, started apr. 2014 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Matricon : Task dependent visual feature selection for optimising and generalizing robotics skills (superv. David Filliat, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, and Freek Stulp).

  • PhD in progress: Clement Masson, Unsupervised learning of sensori-motor representations, started Oct. 2015 (superv. David Filliat, Olivier Sigaud and Freek Stulp).

  • PhD in progress: José Magno Mendes Filho, Planning and control of an autonomous AGV in environment shared with humans, started Oct. 2015 (superv. David Filliat and Eric Lucet (CEA))

  • PhD in progress: Joris Guery, Domain adaptation for visual object recognition, started Oct. 2014 (superv. David Filliat and Bertrand Le Saulx (ONERA))

  • PhD in progress: Benjamin Clement, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, started oct 2015 (superv. Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress: Thibaut Munzer, Learning from Instruction, started oct 2013 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Baptiste Busch, Interactive Learning, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Alexandra Delmas, Auto-Apprentissage Auto-Adaptable pour la compliance au traitement, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Fabien Benureau, Exploration strategies in developmental robotics (superv. PY Oudeyer)


  • Ben-Manson Toussaint, Modeling Perceptual-Gestural Knowledge for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, supervised by Vanda Luengo, University of Grenoble, France

  • Emanuel Sousa, Emergence de Concepts Multimodaux, supervised by Estela Bicho, and Wolfram Erlhagen, University of Minho, Portugal

  • Antoine Cully (21/12/15, David Filliat, Rapporteur) : Creative Adaptation through Learning

  • Elena Stumm (23/11/2015, David Filliat, Rapporteur) : Location Models For Visual Place Recognition

  • Alexandre Ravet (13/10/15, David Filliat, Examinateur) : Introducing Contextual Awarness within the State Estimation Process

  • Cédric Le Barz (30/06/15, David Filliat, Rapporteur) : Navigation visuelle pour la navigation autonome des petits drones

  • Romain Drouilly (29/06/15, David Filliat, Rapporteur) : Cartographie hybride métrique topologique et sémantique pour la navigation dans de grands environnements

  • Erwan Birem (12/03/2015, David Filliat, Rapporteur) : Localisation et détection de fermeture de boucle basées sur la saillance visuelle : algorithmes et architectures matérielles

  • Alain Droniou (09/03/2015, David Filliat, Examinateur) : Apprentissage de représentations et robotique développementale : quelques apports de l'apprentissage profond pour la robotique autonome.

  • PY Oudeyer was in the PhD jury of Alain Droniou (Univ. Paris VI, France, reviewer), Adam White (Univ. Alberta, Canada, reviewer), Vieri Santucci (Univ. Plymouth, UK, reviewer), Didier Roy (Univ. Bordeaux, examiner), Renaud Gervais (Univ. Bordeaux, examiner).

  • PY Oudeyer was in the HdR jury of Julien Diard (Univ. Grenole, reviewer), Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Univ. Paris, reviewer), Manuel Lopes (Univ. Bordeaux).