Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
D. Augot is member of the committee of the CCA seminar on coding and cryptology. This seminar regularly attracts around 30 participants.
A. Couvreur organized with David Kohel (I2M, Marseille) and Alp Bassa (Bogazici University, Turkey) the conference AGC
T 15 (Arithmetic Geometry, Cryptography, and Coding Theory) at CIRM (Marseille). This 15th edition of this international conference happened from May 18 to 22, 2015. -
F. Morain, B. Smith and A. Guillevic were the organizers of Advances in Discrete Logarithms , an international workshop on discrete logarithms to conclude the CATREL project, at École polytechnique from October 1 to 2, 2015.
P. Lebacque and B. Smith organized Arithmetic Geometry: Explicit Methods and Applications with C. Ritzenthaler and A. Zykin. This was an international number theory conference, held in Moscow from December 7 to 11, 2015.
A. Guillevic and P. Karpman were members of the local organizing team of CHES 2015 (Cryptographic Harware and Embedded Systems), at Saint-Malo, France, in September.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
A. Couvreur was member of the program committee of Journées Codes et Cryptographie 2015, La Londe les Maure. October 2015.
A. Couvreur was member of the program committee of WCC (Workshop on Codes and Cryptology) 2015. Paris, May 2015.
A. Couvreur was member of the scientific committee of the École Mathématique Africaine: Theorie des nombres et Cryptologie, Équations aux dérivées partielles, analyse numérique et calcul scientifique. March 2015, Franceville (Gabon).
Member of the editorial boards
D. Augot is member of the editorial board of the RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, a Cambridge journal published by EDP Sciences.
D. Augot is member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Information and Coding Theory, InderScience publishers.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
Invited talks
D. Augot was invited to the workshop "Codage et cryptographie", USTHB, Algiers, November 2-5.
A. Couvreur was invited at the seminar of number theory of University of Oxford.
A. Couvreur was invited speaker at the conference Arithmetic Geometry: explicit methods and applications, Moscow, december 2015.
A. Guillevic was invited at the Workshop in Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Bordeaux, September 2015.
A. Guillevic was invited at the CATREL Workshop on Discrete Logarithms organized by the GRACE team at Palaiseau, October 2015.
P. Karpman was invited at the RISC seminar of CWI, Amsterdam.
B. Smith was an invited speaker in the LFANT seminar, Bordeaux, February 2015
B. Smith was an invited speaker in the security seminar at University College London, UK, May 2015
B. Smith was an invited speaker at the Colóquio de Geometria e Aritmética (Geometry and Arithmetic Colloquium) at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2015
B. Smith gave an invited Tech Talk at Cisco France, Paris, November 2015
B. Smith gave an invited talk in the cryptography and security seminar at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, December 2015
Leadership within the scientific community
Together with Inria Nancy Caramel team, we are leader on records discrete logarithms, thanks to the CATREL project, which delivered the CADO-NFS software, and to our experience to run hard computationnal projects to achieve these records. We have also proposed the best curves for cryptographic computations.
Scientific expertise
D. Augot explained the fundamental concepts underlying bitcoin to the “Direction de la prospective de la Poste”
Research administration
A. Couvreur is an elected member of Saclay's comité de centre.
A. Couvreur is an elected member of Saclay's Comité local Hygiène, Sécurité et Conditions de Travail.
A. Couvreur is the jeune chercheur référent for the commission de suivi doctoral of Inria Saclay.
D. Augot is the vice-head of Inria's comité de suivi doctoral
D. Augot is elected member of the conseil académique consultatif of Paris-Saclay University.
F. Morain and B. Smith are elected members of the Conseil de Laboratoire of the LIX.
F. Morain is vice-head of the Département d'informatique of Ecole Polytechnique.
F. Morain represents École polytechnique in the committee in charge of Mention HPC in the Master de l'université Paris Saclay.
F. Morain is member of the Board of Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI).
B. Smith is a Correspondant for International Relations at Saclay.
B. Smith is a member of the teaching committee of the Department of Computer Science of the École polytechnique.