Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
A. Couvreur, INF311: “Introduction à l'informatique”, 40h (equiv TD), L3, École polytechnique, France
A. Couvreur INF411: “Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique”, 32h (equiv TD), M1, École polytechnique, France
F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Cours de Cryptographie”, 30h. (equiv TD), 3rd year (M1), ENSTA ParisTech, France.
F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Mathématiques discrètes pour la protection de l'information”, 24h (equiv TD), 2nd year (L3), ENSTA ParisTech, France.
F. Morain, Lectures for INF311: “Introduction à l'informatique”, 15h (equiv TD), 1st year (L3), École polytechnique. Coordinator of this module (350 students).
B. Smith, INF442: “Traitement des données massives”, 32h (equiv TD), L4, École polytechnique, France
A. Couvreur, “Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptography”, 12h (equiv TD), M2, MPRI, France.
F. Morain, “Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie”, 9h (equiv TD), M2, MPRI, France.
F. Morain, Lectures for INF568: “Cryptology”, 13.5h (equiv TD), 3rd year (M1), École polytechnique, France.
B. Smith, “Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie”, 13.5h (equiv TD), M2, MPRI, France.
B. Smith, Cryptologie, 18h (equiv TD), M1, École polytechnique, France
PhD: G. Robert defended his thesis on December 4th, 2015 [12] .
PhD in progress. J. Lavauzelle has began his Ph.D. on locally decodable codes and cryptogra[hic applications, on October 1st, 2015, under the supervision of D. Augot and F. Levy-dit-Vehel.
PhD in progress. E. Barelli has begun his PhD on Algebraic-Geometry codes for code-based crypto on October 1st, 2015, under the supervision of D. Augot and A. Couvreur.
PhD in progress. N. Duhamel has begun his PhD on genus 2 curves for cryptography, under the supervision of B. Smith and F. Morain.
PhD in progress. P. Karpman, starting in 2013, will defend in 2016 his PhD on security of symmetric crytographic primitives.