Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence

  • A. Couvreur, INF311: “Introduction à l'informatique”, 40h (equiv TD), L3, École polytechnique, France

  • A. Couvreur INF411: “Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique”, 32h (equiv TD), M1, École polytechnique, France

  • F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Cours de Cryptographie”, 30h. (equiv TD), 3rd year (M1), ENSTA ParisTech, France.

  • F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Mathématiques discrètes pour la protection de l'information”, 24h (equiv TD), 2nd year (L3), ENSTA ParisTech, France.

  • F. Morain, Lectures for INF311: “Introduction à l'informatique”, 15h (equiv TD), 1st year (L3), École polytechnique. Coordinator of this module (350 students).

  • B. Smith, INF442: “Traitement des données massives”, 32h (equiv TD), L4, École polytechnique, France

  • Master

  • A. Couvreur, “Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptography”, 12h (equiv TD), M2, MPRI, France.

  • F. Morain, “Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie”, 9h (equiv TD), M2, MPRI, France.

  • F. Morain, Lectures for INF568: “Cryptology”, 13.5h (equiv TD), 3rd year (M1), École polytechnique, France.

  • B. Smith, “Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie”, 13.5h (equiv TD), M2, MPRI, France.

  • B. Smith, Cryptologie, 18h (equiv TD), M1, École polytechnique, France


  • PhD: G. Robert defended his thesis on December 4th, 2015 [12] .

  • PhD in progress. J. Lavauzelle has began his Ph.D. on locally decodable codes and cryptogra[hic applications, on October 1st, 2015, under the supervision of D. Augot and F. Levy-dit-Vehel.

  • PhD in progress. E. Barelli has begun his PhD on Algebraic-Geometry codes for code-based crypto on October 1st, 2015, under the supervision of D. Augot and A. Couvreur.

  • PhD in progress. N. Duhamel has begun his PhD on genus 2 curves for cryptography, under the supervision of B. Smith and F. Morain.

  • PhD in progress. P. Karpman, starting in 2013, will defend in 2016 his PhD on security of symmetric crytographic primitives.


  • D. Augot was reviewer of

    • J. Roué PhD thesis, “Analyse de la résistance des chiffrements par blocs aux attaques linéaires et différentielles”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

    • F. de Portzamparc PhD thesis, “Algebraic and Physical Security in Code-Based Cryptography”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

  • A. Couvreur

    • was reviewer of F. de Portzamparc PhD thesis, “Algebraic and Physical Security in Code-Based Cryptography”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

    • is member of the Jury of Agrégation de Mathématiques and in charge of option C (Algèbre et calcul formel)

  • B. Smith

    • was an examiner for L. Xu's PhD thesis, “Vérification formelle de la vie privée dans les systèmes concurrents”, École polytechinique, 4/5/2015.