Section: New Software and Platforms


SWARPI (for Superpixel Warp for Image-based rendering)

Functional Description

This software package is the implementation of the publication and it was developed previously at REVES and now maintained by GRAPHDECO with public funding. The LINUX main software consists of two components: the depth synthesis step and the image-based runtime rendering step : a. depth synthesis step reads 3D points coming from the automated 3D reconstruction pipeline, together with images and calibrated cameras, and produces the superpixel decomposition and the depth synthesis algorithm. This package is provided as a set of C++ sources (for superpixel and depth) and matlab sources for depthSynth. b. The runtime rendering step is a C++ program (sources provided) which takes the result of the first step as input to allow interactive 3D navigation from pictures. The code uses multi-pass deferred shading with pixel and fragment shaders to perform the rendering.

  • Participants: George Drettakis, Gaurav Chaurasia, Sylvain François Duchene and Olga Sorkine-Hornung

  • Contact: George Drettakis