Section: New Results


Experimental validation of the inverse scattering method for distributed characteristic impedance estimation

Participant : Qinghua Zhang.

This work has been carried out in collaboration with Florent Loete (GEEPS-SUPELEC) and with Michel Sorine, formerly member of the Inria SISYPHE EPI.

Recently published theoretic results and numerical simulations have shown the ability of inverse scattering-based methods to diagnose soft faults in electric cables, in particular, faults implying smooth spatial variations of cable characteristic parameters. The purpose of the present work is to realize laboratory experiments confirming the ability of the inverse scattering method for retrieving spatially distributed characteristic impedance from reflectometry measurements. Various smooth or stepped spatial variations of characteristic impedance profiles are tested. This study has been accomplished in the framework of the ANR SODDA project and the results have been published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation [16] .