IPSO - 2015
New Results
New Results

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing committees
  • M. Lemou and F. Méhats organized the CHL (Labex) workshop Mathematical problems and modelization in kinetic theory, Rennes, May 26-29 2015.

  • E. Faou organized with B. Grébert, E. Paturel and L. Thomann (Univ. Nantes) the CHL (Labex) Summer school PDE and large time asymptotics, Nantes, June 22 - July 3 2015.

  • N. Crouseilles and P. Chartier organized the CHL (Labex) workshop Multiscale numerical methods for differential equations, Rennes, August 25-27, 2015.

  • F. Castella and P. Chartier organized the IPSO-LODIQUAS workshop with the support of the ANR LODIQUAS and MOONRISE, Dinard, December 9-11 2015.

  • M. Lemou organized a mini-symposium at the 9th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP9): numerical methods for quantum and kinetic problems, Singapore, Junary 7-11 2015.

  • N. Crouseilles and M. Lemou organized a mini-symposium at the national Congrès SMAI 2015: Numerical Approaches for Stiff PDEs, Les Karellis, June 8-12, 2015.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • P. Chartier was member of the scientific committee of ENUMATH 2015, 14-18 september, Ankara, Turkey.


Member of the editorial boards
  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis.

  • A. Debussche is editor in chief of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: analysis and computations.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of Potential Analysis.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of Journal of Evolution Equations.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of Differential and Integral Equations.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of ESAIM: proceedings.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of the collection Mathématiques et Applications.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals (Comm. Math. Phys., SIAM journals, J. Comput. Phys., ).

Invited talks

  • P. Chartier gave a talk at The 9th International Conference on Computational Physics, Singapore, January 7-11, 2015.

  • E. Faou gave a talk at the seminar of analysis, at the university of Toulouse, January, 2015.

  • E. Faou gave a talk at the Seminar ANEDP, University of Lille 1, January, 2015.

  • P. Chartier gave a seminar at the University of Geneva, March 10, 2015.

  • E. Faou gave a talk at ENS Lyon in the physics department, May 2015.

  • E. Faou gave a talk at the workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics, organized by G. Hagedorn, C. Lasser and C. Le Bris, Oberwolfach, Germany, June, 2015.

  • N. Crouseilles gave a talk in the seminar of the analysis team at the University of Toulouse III, June, 2015.

  • P. Chartier gave a talk at the workshop Modelling and Numerics for Quantum Systems, Toulouse, September 2-4, 2015.

  • E. Faou gave the Dahlquist prize lecture at the Scicade conference, Potsdam, Germany, September, 2015.

  • P. Chartier gave a colloquium at the `School of Mathematics in Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, October 29, 2015.

  • E. Faou gave a talk in the seminar of the analysis team at the University of Bordeaux I, October, 2015.

  • F. Méhats gave seminars in Geneva (Switzerland), Beijing (China), Reims and Lyon.

  • M. Lemou gave a talk at the Ki-Net international conference: Asymptotic Preserving and Multiscale Methods for Kinetic and Hyperbolic Problems, Madison (USA), May 4-8, 2015.

  • M. Lemou gave a talk at the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, ICIAM 2015. Mini-symposium "Analysis and algorithm for coupling of kinetic and fluid equations, Beijing (China), August 10-14, 2015.

  • M. Lemou gave a talk at the International workshop on kinetic problems in the honor of W. Strauss, R. Glassey and J. Schaeffer: Recent progress in collisionless models, Imperial College, London, September 7-11, 2015.

  • M. Lemou gave two conferences at the university of Wisconsin-Madison during his visit, between october 3 and october 17, 2015.

  • A. Debussche gave a talk at the workshop New challenges in PDE: Deterministic dynamics and randomness in high and infinite dimensional systems, MSRI, Berkeley (USA), October 19-30, 2015.

Research administration

  • F. Méhats has been the head of the IRMAR (UMR CNRS 6625), since June 2015,

  • P. Chartier is scientific vice-deputy of the Inria-Rennes center.

  • P. Chartier is member of the "Commission d'évaluation" of Inria.

  • N. Crouseilles is member of the scientific council of ENS Rennes.

  • N. Crouseilles is partly in charge of the weekly numerical analysis seminar at ENS Rennes.

  • A. Debussche leads the H. Lebesgue Center (Labex) with San Vu Ngoc (coordinator) and L. Guillopé.

  • E. Faou is member of the scientific council of the Pôle universitaire Léonard de Vinci, since september 2015.

  • E. Faou is member of the CNU 26, since december 2015.

  • M. Lemou is member of the scientific council of ENS Rennes.

  • M. Lemou is member of the scientific council of the H. Lebesgue Center (Labex).

  • M. Lemou is head of the "numerical analysis IRMAR team".

  • F. Castella is head of the european ANR project "Lodiquas", described above.

  • F. Castella is member of the "Conseil d'UFR de Mathématiques".