IPSO - 2015
New Results
New Results

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists


S. Jin (University of Madison) spent 2 months at IRMAR (University of Rennes) within the framework of the Labex H. Lebesgue semester "PDEs and long time behavior", to collaborate with N. Crouseilles and M. Lemou.

Visits to International Teams

Research stays abroad
  • P. Chartier: invitation at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), by G. Vilmart (one month in July).

  • F. Méhats: invitation at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), by G. Vilmart (one week).

  • F. Méhats: invitation at the Beijing Computational Science Research Center (China), by W. Bao (10 days).

  • M. Lemou: invitation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (US), by S. Jin (two weeks, october 2015).

  • M. Lemou: invitation at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), by G. Vilmart (two weeks, july 2015).

  • A. Debussche participated to the semester "New challenges in PDE: Deterministic dynamics and randomness in high and infinite dimensional systems" at MSRI (Berckeley, US).