Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Grants with Industry
Astrium EADS
Participants : Tawsif Gokhool, Patrick Rives.
no. Inria Sophia 7128, duration: 36 months.
The objective of this project that started in February 2012 was to investigate the general problem of visual mapping of complex 3D environments that evolve over time. This contract supported Tawsif Gokhool's Ph.D. (see Section 7.4.3 ).
ECA Robotics
Participants : Romain Drouilly, Patrick Rives.
no. Inria Sophia 7030, duration: 36 months.
This project started in May 2012. It aimed at specifying a semantic representation well adapted to the problem of navigation in structured environment (indoors or outdoors). This contract was devoted to support the Cifre Convention between ECA Robotics and Inria Sophia Antipolis regarding Romain Drouilly's Ph.D. (see Section 7.4.5 ).
Participants : Salma Jiddi, Eric Marchand.
Univ. Rennes 1, duration: 36 months.
This project funded by Technicolor started in October 2015. It supports Salma Jiddi's Ph.D. about augmented reality.
Pôle Saint Hélier
Participants : Louise Devigne, Marie Babel.
no. Insa Rennes 2015/0890, duration: 36 months.
This project started in November 2015. It will address the following two issues. First, the idea is to design a low-cost indoor / outdoor efficient obstacle avoidance system that respects the user intention, and does not alter user perception. This involves embedding innovative sensors to tackle the outdoor wheelchair navigation problem. The second objective is to take advantage of the proposed assistive tool to enhance the user Quality of Experience by means of biofeedback as well as the understanding of the evolution of the pathology.