Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

HandiViz project - SATT Ouest Valorisation

Participants : François Pasteau, Marie Babel.

duration: 12 months.

This project started in June 2014. Thanks to a strong collaboration with Ergovie Company and the rehabilitation center Pôle Saint Hélier (Rennes), the semi-autonomous navigation solution designed for wheelchair systems (see Section  7.3.3 ) has been medically validated and tested by patients. The resulting technology is currently under transfer towards Ergovie (SATT/INSA funding). This technology, compliant with any off-the-shelf electrical wheelchair, is expected to be commercialized at mid 2016. We expect that this technology should be helpful for many handicapped people. In particular, intensive clinical trials have shown that such a system can lift the medical interdiction to drive wheelchairs for people who suffer from severe handicap such as hemispatial neglect or cerebral palsy.


Participants : Suman Raj Bista, Paolo Robuffo Giordano, François Chaumette.

no Inria Rennes 8033, duration: 36 months.

This project funded by the Brittany council started in October 2013. It supports in part Suman Raj Bista's Ph.D. about visual navigation (see Section  7.3.1 ).

ARED DeSweep

Participants : Lesley-Ann Duflot, Alexandre Krupa.

no Inria Rennes 8033, duration: 36 months.

This project funded by the Brittany council started in October 2014. It supports in part Lesley-Ann Duflot's Ph.D. about visual servoing based on shearlet transform. (see Section  7.6.5 ).

ARED Locoflot

Participants : Ide Flore Kenmogne Fokam, Vincent Drevelle, Eric Marchand.

no Inria Rennes 9944, duration: 36 months.

This project funded by the Brittany council started in October 2015. It supports in part Ide Flore Kenmogne Fokam's Ph.D. about cooperative localization in multi-robot fleets using interval analysis. (see Section  7.5.3 ).

“Equipement mi-lourd Rennes Metropoles”

Participant : Paolo Robuffo Giordano.

no Irisa CNRS Rennes 14C0481, duration: 36 months.

A grant from “Rennes Métropole” has been obtained in June 2014 and supports the activities related to the use of drones (quadrotor UAVs). The platform described in Section  6.12 has been purchased in part thanks to this grant.