New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Theoretical and Practical Complexities of Enumerating Minimal Siphons in Petri Nets

Participants : François Fages, Thierry Martinez, Sylvain Soliman.

Petri nets are a simple formalism for modeling concurrent computa- tion. They are also an interesting tool for modeling and analysing biochemical reaction systems, bridging the gap between purely qualitative and quantita- tive models. Biological networks can indeed be complex, large, and with many unknown kinetic parameters, which makes the development of quantitative models difficult. In [9] , we focus on the Petri net representation of biochemical reactions and on two structural properties of Petri nets, siphons and traps, that bring us information about the persistence of some molecular species, independently of the kinetics. We first study the theoretical time com- plexity of minimal siphon decision problems in general Petri nets, and present three new complexity results: first, we show that the existence of a siphon of a given cardinality is NP-complete; second, we prove that deciding the Siphon- Trap property is co-NP-complete; third, we prove that deciding the existence of a minimal siphon containing a given set of places, deciding the existence of a siphon of a given cardinality and deciding the Siphon-Trap property can be done in linear time in Petri nets of bounded tree-width. Then, we present a Boolean model of siphons and traps, and two methods for enumerating all minimal siphons and traps of a Petri net, by using a SAT solver and a Con- straint Logic Program (CLP) respectively. On a benchmark of 345 Petri nets of hundreds of places and transitions, extracted from biological models from the BioModels repository, as well as on a benchmark composed of 80 Petri nets from the Petriweb database of industrial processes, we show that both the SAT and CLP methods are overall faster by one or two orders of magnitude com- pared to the state-of-the-art algorithm from the Petri net community, and are in fact able to solve all the enumeration problems of our practical benchmarks. We investigate why these programs perform so well in practice, and provide some elements of explanation related to our theoretical complexity results.