New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: Research Program

Chemical Reaction Network Theory

Feinberg's chemical reaction network theory and Thomas's influence network analyses provide sufficient and/or necessary structural conditions for the existence of multiple steady states and oscillations in regulatory networks, which can be predicted by static analyzers without making any simulation. In this domain, most of our work consists in analyzing the interplay between the structure (Petri net properties, influence graph, subgraph epimorphisms) and the dynamics (Boolean, CTMC, ODE, time scale separations) of biochemical reaction systems. In particular, our study of influence graphs of reaction systems, our generalization of Thomas' conditions of multi-stationarity and Soulé's proof to reaction systems (Sylvain Soliman. A stronger necessary condition for the multistationarity of chemical reaction networks. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75(11):2289–2303, 2013.), the inference of reaction systems from ODEs [7] , the computation of structural invariants by constraint programming techniques, and the analysis of model reductions by subgraph epimorphisms [2] , now provide solid ground for developing static analyzers, using them on a large scale in systems biology, and elucidating modules.