Section: New Results
Security analytics
Participants : Jérôme François [contact] , Abdelkader Lahmadi, Manobala Nirmala, Vincent Noyalet.
During the year 2015, we have extended our monitoring platform dedicated to Android environments [69] with more analytics features. The monitoring platform is dedicated to the collection, storage, analysis and visualization of logs and network flow data of mobile applications. The platform relies on a set of on-device probes to monitor network and system activities of these applications. The data are collected from these probes and parsed through generic and flexible collectors relying on Flume agents that we have adapted and extended. We are storing the collected data using a column oriented Hbase storage engine (Hadoop database). Finally, after being parsed, the data are made available within the Elasticsearch engine to search and visualize them using the Kibana tool. We have also presented the building blocks of the platform in a lab session within the conference AIMS 2015 [70] .
We have also maintained an IETF draft [75] to promote a standardization effort towards the extension of IP Flow-based monitoring with geographic information. Associating Flow information with their measurement geographic locations will enable security applications to detect anomalous activities. In the case of mobile devices, the characterization of communication patterns using only time and volume is not enough to detect unusual location-related communication patterns.
Besides, we looked at aggregating flows collected at the High Security Lab since a single attack is represented by multiple flows. For example, a DDoS or a scan is a sequence of similar parallel flows coming from the same or distributed machines. As attacks occur very frequently and even at the same time, grouping flows occurring in a pre-defined time window is not a valid approach. Two approaches have been investigated and are actually dependent of the sources of collected flows. First, we analyzed collected Netflow data from the Darknet which is basically a sinkhole without any services running or announced. Hence, all traffic is considered as abnormal and is limited to a set of predefined attacks. Indeed, since no packets can be sent back, complex attacks with different steps cannot be caught. Therefore, scanning, flooding-based denial-of-service and backscatter are the main types of anomalies we can observe. Flows are thus grouped and labeled regarding certain criteria (common IP addresses/subnets, ports, co-occurrence) thanks to a pre-established decision process [58] . The final goal was to compare data collected in Nancy and in Tokyo. Secondly, we assume flow data without specific knowledge about the type of traffic it embeds. In such a case, the goal is to automatically extract recurrent patterns. The initial approach consisted in representing flows as nodes in a graph and linking them when sharing some properties (IP addresses, ports). Major subsequent problems have been faced like indexation, split flows in multiple files and visualization [59] .
Management of HTTPS traffic
Participants : Thibault Cholez [contact] , Shbair Wazen, Jérôme François, Isabelle Chrisment.
We previously investigated the latest technique for HTTPS traffic filtering that is based on the Server Name Indication (SNI) field of TLS and which has been recently implemented in many firewall solutions. We showed that SNI has two weaknesses, regarding (1) backward compatibility and (2) multiple services using a single certificate and we implemented a proof of concept of these vulnerabilities as a web browser extension (Escape). This work was published in the IFIP/IEEE IM'15 conference [44] .
This led us to the development of new reliable methods to investigate the increasing number of HTTPS traffic that may hold security breaches but without relying on decryption at any step, in order to respect users' privacy (no HTTPS proxy). Many approaches already identify the main type of an application (Web, P2P, SSH,..) running in secure tunnels, and others identify a couple of specific encrypted web pages through website fingerprinting.
In this context, we developed a better technique to precisely identify the services run within HTTPS connections, i.e. to name the services, without relying on specific header fields that can be easily altered. We have defined dedicated features for HTTPS traffic that are used as input for a multi-level identification framework based on machine learning algorithms. Our evaluation based on real traffic shows that we can identify encrypted web services with a high accuracy. This work will be published next year in the IFIP/IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2016).
Configuration security automation
Participants : Rémi Badonnel [contact] , Gaetan Hurel, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Olivier Festor.
Our work during year 2015 was mainly focused on the orchestration of security functions in the context of mobile smart environments [35] . Most of current security approaches for these environments are provided in the form of applications or packages to be directly installed on the devices themselves. Such approaches may be qualified as on-device. However, on-device approaches generally induce significant local resource consumption leading to the significant reduction of battery lifetime. In the meantime, current cloud-based approaches for mobile security attempt to deal with this issue by offloading most of the workload on a remote server, but may introduce significant additional latency. In that context, we have pursued the efforts on our strategy for dynamically outsourcing and composing security functions in the cloud, considering software-defined networking. The architecture relies on a set of security functions that are activated, configured and orchestrated according to the current contexts and risks, while a dedicated modelling has been introduced for supporting the evaluation of security compositions and their properties. The chaining of security functions is performed dynamically in order to fit with the security requirements of mobile devices at runtime. In particular, we have proposed in [35] to analyze and cluster applications running on the mobile devices based on their network behaviors, in order to drive the selection and deployment of adequate security compositions that may be fully outsourced or split between in-cloud and on-device.
We have also investigated in [23] to what extent security automation, more specifically in the context of vulnerability management, might be supported by conceptual knowledge discovery. The intended extension might be a mean to cope with the increasing dynamics and complexity of networked environments. Most current security solutions still seem to work under certain boundaries that prevent them to act intelligently and flexibly, i.e. strictly sticked to the available security information in order to analyze, report and eventually remediate found problems. Our purpose is to exploit methods and techniques coming from formal concept and knowledge discovery in databases, in order to provide high-level automation based on mechanisms capable of understanding, reasoning about, and anticipating the surrounding environment and its vulnerabilities.