Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Nesrine Khelifi, 18/06/2015-18/09/2015, Université de Manouba - Tunisie. See § 7.4.1
Seetaraman Savita, 10/07/2015-31/10/2015, University of Trento (Italy), Benchmarking of virtualized network functions [62]
Scientific visits
Dr. Jian Li, associate professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University (China) visited the team for two weeks in December and given a talk on the recent research results of his group on network virtualization and cloud applications.
Visits to International Teams
Research stays abroad
Thomas Silverston is currently on leave (Delegation CNRS) at the University of Tokyo within JFLI, an international joint-lab between CNRS, Inria, UPMC, Univ. Paris Sud, Keio University, NII and the University of Tokyo. Daishi Kondo, co-advised with Prof. Olivier Perrin (UL) and Thomas Silverston, is also doing an internship at the JFLI from September 2015 to February 2016.