Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Remi Badonnel is heading the Telecommunications, Networks and Services specialization of the 2nd and 3rd years at the TELECOM Nancy engineering school, and is coordinating the Security Pathway Program at the same school, elaborated in the context of the International Master of Science in Security of Computer Systems built with the Mines Nancy and ENSEM engineering schools.

Laurent Ciarletta is heading the specialization Safe Systems Architecture of the Computer Science and IT department of the Ecole des Mines de Nancy ("Grande Ecole", Engineering School, Master degree level).

Olivier Festor is the Director of the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School.

  • E-learning

    • MOOC : Rémi Badonnel, "Introduction to Nagios-based Monitoring", MOOC exercices complementing the initial course (45 minutes + 25 minutes), Youtube Platform (Flamingo Channel), TELECOM Nancy, Master/Engineering Students, more than 30 000 views in 2 years (initial course).

Team members are teaching the following courses:

  • Bernardetta Addis 216 hours, -M2 -Operational Research, Discrete Optimization -Écoles des Mines de Nancy, Université de Lorraine

  • Rémi Badonnel 242 hours -L3, M1, M2 Networks, Systems and Services, Software Design and Programming, Cloud Computing, Network and Security Management -TELECOM Nancy, Université de Lorraine

  • Thibault Cholez 340 hours, -L3, M1, M2 -Main topics: Computer Networks, Databases, Object-Oriented Programming, C and Shell Programming, Techniques and Tools for Programming, Network Services, Constraint development on small Connected Objects, Mobile applications and Internet of Things -TELECOM Nancy, Université de Lorraine

  • Isabelle Chrisment 220 hours -L3, M1, M2 -C and Shell Programing, Computer Networking, Operating Systems, Network Security. -TELECOM Nancy, Université de Lorraine

  • Laurent Ciarletta 250 hours -L3, M1, M2 -Component-based software development, Pervasive Computing, Networking and Systems -Écoles des Mines de Nancy, Université de Lorraine & ARTEM

  • Olivier Festor 192 hours -L3, M1, M2 -Network, Programming, Algorithmics, Complexity -TELECOM Nancy, Université de Lorraine

  • Jérôme François 70 hours -M1, M2 -Network security, Big Data -Université de Lorraine & Telecom Nancy

  • Abdelkader Lahmadi 280 hours - L1, M1, M2 -Algorithms and Java programming, C language programming, Real Time systems, Databases, Distributed algorithms, Constrained systems programming -ENSEM & Telecom Nancy

  • Emmanuel Nataf 192 hours -L1 L2 M2 -Network, operating system, network monitoring -IUT Nancy-Charlemagne & Telecom Nancy & Université de Lorraine

  • Lucas Nussbaum 96 hours (due to partial leave to Inria), -L3, M1, M2 -Systems and networks administration -IUT Nancy-Charlemagne

  • Ye-Qiong Song 230 hours, -L1, M1, M2 -Algorithms and Java programming, Databases, Networking, Sensor networks -ENSEM


PhD in progress in team
  • Jonathan Arnault, Data-Analytics infrastructure for Security Monitoring, since November 2015, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment & Jérôme François.

  • Elian Aubry, Using Software Defined Network to manage Content Centric Networks, since October 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment & Thomas Silverston.

  • Tomasz Buchert, Orchestration of Experiments on Distributed Systems, since Oct 2011, supervised by Jens Gustedt & Lucas Nussbaum.

  • Maxime Compastie, Software-Defined Security for the Cloud, since Dec 2015, supervised by Olivier Festor & Remi Badonnel.

  • Giulia De Santis, Modelling and Analysis of Complex and Targeted Cyberattacks, since October 2015, Olivier Festor & Abdelkader Lahmadi.

  • Meihui Gao, Optimization models and methods for Network Functions Virtualization architectures, since Nov 2015, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Bernardetta Addis.

  • Florian Greff, QoS and fault-tolerance of distributed real-time systems over mesh networks, since Feb. 2015, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Laurent Ciarletta.

  • Gaetan Hurel, Mobile Cloud Security, since Jan 2014, supervised by Olivier Festor, Abdelkahder Lahmadi & Remi Badonnel.

  • Patrick-Olivier Kamgue, Routing management in WSNs, since Jun 2012, supervised by Emmanuel Nataf & Olivier Festor in France, Thomas Djotio in Cameroun.

  • Daishi Kondo, New Networking Architecture through Virtualization, since September 2015, supervised with Olivier Perrin (EPI COAST) & Thomas Silverston.

  • Xavier Marchal, Secure operation of virtualized Named Data Networks traffic, since December 2015, supervised by Olivier Festor & Thibault Cholez.

  • Anthea Mayzaud, Monitoring and Security for the Internet of Things, since May 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment & Rémi Badonnel.

  • Kevin Roussel, Dynamic management of QoS and energy in heterogeneous sensor networks for e-health applications, since December 2012, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Olivier Zendra.

  • Abdulqawi Saif, Open Science for the scalability of a new generation search technology, since December 2015, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Lucas Nussbaum.

  • Evangelia Tsiontsiou, Multiconstrained QoS routing for wireless sensors networks with applications to smart space for ambient assisted living, since Oct 2013, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Bernardetta Addis.

  • Shbair Wazen, Contributions for the Management of HTTPS traffic, since December 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment & Thibault Cholez.

PhD defended in team
  • [1] François Despaux, Modelling and evaluation of the end to end delay in WSN, Université de Lorraine, September 2015, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Abdelkahder Lahmadi.

  • [2] Mohamed Said Seddiki, Dynamic resource allocation and quality of service management in Network Virtualization, Université de Lorraine, April 2015, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song & Mounir Frikha.


Team members participated to the following Ph.D. defense committees in Computer Science if no other indication:

  • Dalal Belabed, in Informatics, Telecommunication and Electronics from Université Paris 6. Title: Optimization of Virtual Networks: design and assessment, 2015 – (Bernardetta Addis).

  • Manamiary Bruno Andriamiarina, in Computer Science and Networking from Télécom SudParis and Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Title: Corrélation d'alertes : un outil plus efficace d'aide à la décision pour répondre aux intrusions, April 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as president).

  • Florent Fourcot, joint Ph.D. from Télécom Bretagne and TU Dresden. Title: Address Spreading in Future Internet Supporting both the Unlinkability of Communication Relations and the Filtering of Non Legitimate Traffic, January 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as reviewer)

  • Badis Hammi, in Networking, Knowledge and Organization from Université de Technologie de Troyes. Title: Vers une détection à la source des activités malveillantes dans les clouds publics : application aux attaques de déni de service, September 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as reviewer).

  • Christopher Humphries, from Université de Rennes 1. Title: User-centred security event visualisation, December 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as president).

  • Yosra Ben Mustapha. From Université de Lorraine. Title: Développement d'algorithmes répartis corrects par construction, May 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as reviewer)

  • Yves Studnia. In Networking, Telecommunication, System and Architecture from Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, delivered by INSA Toulouse. Title: Détection d'intrusion pour des réseaux embarqués automobiles : une approche orientée langage, September 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as reviewer).

  • Khalid Alsubli, from the University of Waterloo. Title: Security Configuration Management in Intrusion Detection, November 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer).

  • Yann Bachi, from Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées. Title: Sécurité des équipements grands publics connectés à Internet: évaluation des liens de communication, June 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer).

  • Jonathan Dechaux, from École Polytechnique. Title: Formalisation, implémentation et tests d'une méthodologie et des techniques d'évaluation de logiciels antivirus. Application aux virus de documents, December 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer).

  • Léa El Samarji. From Télécom Bretagne. Title: Risk-aware Decision Support System to Counter Coordinated and Simultaneous Attacks, March 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer).

  • Samuel Marchal, joint Ph.D. from University of Luxembourg and Université Lorraine. Title: DNS and Semantic Analysis for Phishing Detection, June 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer).

  • Patrick Raad, from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6. Title: Protocol Architecture and Algorithms for Distributed Data Center Networks, December 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer).

  • Mihai Andries, from Université de Lorraine. Title: Object and human tracking, and robot controls through a load sensing floor, December 2015 – (Ye-Qiong Song as president).

  • Mouna Abdelmoumen, from Université de Carthage - SUPCOM Tunis. Title: Modèles de mobilité et leur impact sur la capacité des réseaux sans fil et mobiles, December 2015 – (Ye-Qiong Song as reviewer).

  • Ali Kadhum Idrees, from Université de Franche-Comté. Title: Distributed Coverage Optimization Techniques for Improving Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks, October 2015 – (Ye-Qiong Song as reviewer).

  • Ehsan Muhammad, from Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. Title: Designing of MAC layer for Mission-Critical Surveillance Applications in Wireless Image Sensor Networks, June 2015 – (Ye-Qiong Song as reviewer).

Team members participated to the following Habilitation Degree in Computer Science defense committees of:

  • Yves Roudier, from Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France. Title: Advances in the Design and Engineering of Secure Distributed Systems, December 2015 – (Isabelle Chrisment as examiner).

  • Bertrand Mathieu, from Université Rennes 1. Title: Efficient Use of Network Resources for End-Users Quality Quality Improvement, April 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer)

  • Alain Pirovano, from Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse. Title: Conception et Optimisation d'Architectures Réseaux pour les Systèmes de Communication Aéronautiques. February 2015 – (Olivier Festor as reviewer)

  • Patrick Senac, from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universités. Title : L'Internet de l'extrême. Modèles, protocoles et mécanismes de bout en bout pour les réseaux de communication de nouvelle génération. December 2015 – (Olivier Festor as examiner)

  • Claire Pagetti, from INP-ENSEEIHT. Title: Programmation sûre de plates-formes embarquées de type multi/pluri-cœurs, (January 2015) – (Françoise Simonot-Lion as examiner)

Team members participated to the following recruitment selection committee:

  • Isabelle Chrisment was member of the selection committee from Université de Technologie de Troyes to recruit an Assistant Professor (February 2015), from Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis to recruit an Assistant Professor (April 2015) and from Université de Strasbourg to recruit a Professor (May 2015).