Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Project P11 “Data Communication Network Performance” with Alstom Transport (see § 8.1.3 ) that was originally planned until May 2015 was extended for one additional year.

  • The demonstration “Quantum random walk in networks” made at Bell Labs Future X days (Openday), Paris, France , on 10-11 June 2015 was the subject of an article in the journal Industries & Technologies titled “Une méthode quantique pour prédire l'évolution des réseaux”. (Link for subscribers only: http://www.industrie-techno.com/une-methode-quantique-pour-predire-l-evolution-des-reseaux.38856 .)

  • Giovanni Neglia was invited to give a 20-hour PhD course on Complex Networks at the Univ. of Pisa, Italy, on 23-27 March 2015.

  • 2015 is the 7th year of official collaboration with Indian institutions (IISc and IIT Mumbai).