Section: Dissemination

Participation in scientific events

Keynotes, tutorials and invited talks

Maestro members gave the following keynote lectures/plenary speeches (in alphabetical order):

Defense strategies against SIS epidemics in networks, at 6th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), London, UK, 4 November 2015 (E. Altman);

Graph-based semi-supervised learning methods, at 5th Intl. Conference on Network Analysis (NET), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 18 May 2015 (K. Avrachenkov);

Timelines Analysis and competition over popularity, influence and visibility in social networks, at IEEE ICC Workshop on Dynamic SOcial Networks (DySON), London, UK, 8 June 2015 (E. Altman);

the following tutorials (in alphabetical order):

Complex Networks and their Analysis with Random Walks, at 27th Intl. Teletraffic Congress (ITC 27), Gent, Belgium, 7 September 2015 (K. Avrachenkov);

and the following invited talks (in alphabetical order):

Competition in social networks, at “Stochastic networks and stochastic geometry” a conference dedicated to François Baccelli on his 60th birthday, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 12-14 January 2015 (E. Altman);

Exploration and exploitation in learning in multiobjective MDPs, at NETLEARN/ORANGE workshop on Learning and Networks, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 9 October 2015 (E. Altman);

Extremes and Random Walks in Network Sampling Processes, at EURANDOM workshop on Random Walks on Random Graphs and Applications, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 14-16 April 2015 (K. Avrachenkov);

Game models in social networks, at NYU Workshop on Control and Optimization of Network Systems (CONES), New York, USA, 1 May 2015 (E. Altman);

Performance Evaluation... of a Laser, at Imperial College, Seminar in the honor of Pr. E. Gelenbe/ ISCIS 2015, London, UK, 23 September 2015 (A. Jean-Marie);

Spectral Properties of Random Matrices for Stochastic Block Model, at Intl. Workshop on Physics Inspired Paradigms in Wireless Communications and Networks (PHYSCOMNET), IIT Mumbai, India, 29 May 2015 (A. Kadavankandy);

Whittle index policy for crawling ephemeral content, at Workshop on Modern trends in controlled stochastic processes, Univ. of Liverpool, UK, 29 June 2015 (K. Avrachenkov).

E. Altman was part of a one hour panel on network neutrality which took place as part of the WiOpt conference in IIT Mumbai, India, 25-29 May, 2015.

Conferences and workshops

Maestro members gave presentations at the following scientific events (in alphabetical order):

  • Bell Labs Future X days (Openday), Paris, France , 10-11 June 2015 (J. K. Sreedharan);

  • 12th European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW), Madrid, Spain, 31 August - 1 September 2015 (A. Jean-Marie);

  • 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015), Osaka, Japan, 15-18 December 2015 (K. Avrachenkov, G. Neglia);

  • 14th IFIP International conference on networking (Networking 2015), Toulouse, France, 20-22 May 2015 (G. Neglia);

  • 3rd Intl. workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security (BDSN), Limassol, Cyprus, 7 December 2015 (A. Reiffers-Masson);

  • 12th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-graph (WAW), Eindhoven, Netherlands, 10-11 December 2015 (A. Kadavankandy);

  • 6th Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management Science, Montreal, Canada, 22-23 October 2015, (I. Brunetti).

Schools and doctoral courses

Maestro members have attended the following events (list in alphabetical order):

  • COST ACROSS Summer School on “NFV meets Big Data   Architecture and Performance Evaluation” (30H), Würzburg, Germany, 8-15 April 2015 (A. Dandoush);

  • 12th EDBT Summer School on “Graph Data Management” (26H), Palamós, Spain, 31 August - 4 September 2015 (H. Mykhailenko);

  • WAW 2015 School on complex networks and graph models (16H), Eindhoven, Netherlands, 7-8 December 2015 (A. Kadavankandy and J. K. Sreedharan).