Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
Hélène Barucq organized the Third Workshop of Strategic Action DIP in Pau, June 21-22, 2015,
Victor Péron and Hélène Barucq organized a series of courses at University of Pau in the framework of the GEAGAM project: Coding the FEM (A. Rodriguez), Seismic depth imaging (R. Baina), Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the simulation of wave propagation (J. Diaz), May 18-22, 2015
Victor Péron and Hélène Barucq organized the Workshop on Advanced Subsurface Visualization Methods: “Exploring the Earth”, Pau 26-27 May 2015, in the framework of the GEAGAM project .
Juliette Chabassier organized with Damien Fournier a Mini Symposium on Helioseismology at Waves 2015 conference (THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL AND NUMERICAL ASPECTS OF WAVE PROPAGATION), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 20-24, 2015.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
In 2015, the members of the team have been reviewers for ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, New York Journal of Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Journal of Computational Physics, Mathematics of Computation, Wave Motion, Geophysical Journal International, Journal of Computational Acoustics.
Research administration
Hélène Barucq was vice-chair of the Inria evaluation committee until June 2015. She participated to the national jury of Inria competitive selection for Senior Researchers (DR2) and to the local jury of Inria competitive selection for Young Graduate Scientists (CR2) in Bordeaux. She participated to the selection committee for Research Positions (Junior and Senior). She participated to the selection committee for an Assistant Professor position at the University of Pau. She is member of the board of the Laboratory of Mathematics of Pau and of the research federation IPRA which are both under the administrative supervision of CNRS. She is the scientific head of the project DIP.
Julien Diaz is elected member of the Inria Technical Committee and of the Inria Administrative Board. He is appointed member of the CDT (Commission de Développement Technologique) and of the Center Committee of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
Sébastien Tordeux is elected member of the 26th section of the CNU (Conseil National des Universités).
Victor Péron is appointed member of the CJC (Commission Jeunes Chercheurs) of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.