Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Scientific results

The team obtained two striking results in 2015.

  • In collaboration with Felix Otto, Antoine Gloria obtained near-optimal estimates with optimal stochastic integrability in stochastic homogenization under a finite range of dependence assumption, cf. [35] .

  • In collaboration with physicists at PhLAM, Stephan De Bièvre and Guillaume Dujardin, proposed in [18] an analysis of the phenomenon of modulational instability in an optic fiber, induced by periodic modulation of the dispersion of the fiber. In particular, they characterized the frequencies at which the gain occurs and provided sharp estimates of that gain. Both numerical and physical experiments supported the analysis, cf. Figure 2 which displays the experimental gain (above) and the numerical gain (below).

Figure 2. Experimental (above) and numerical (below) gain for the modulational instability in (periodic) optic fibers


Antoine Gloria was awarded the Agathon De Potter prize in mathematics from the Académie royale de Belgique.