Section: Overall Objectives

Team Overview

At the end of 2011, a part of the MIMESIS team 1 moved from Lille to Strasbourg to join the newly created IHU , which is developing novel clinical technologies at the intersection of the fields of laparoscopy, interventional flexible endoscopy and interventional radiology. To develop this new discipline named "image-guided minimally invasive hybrid surgery", the IHU has established a multidisciplinary research and development program involving medical experts, scientists and industrial partners. The scientific objectives of this new team, named MIMESIS are related, but not limited to, several scientific challenges of the IHU. Over the past 4 years we have developed new approaches supporting advanced simulations in the context of simulation for training. The best example of our success in this area was certainly the work done in collaboration with the HelpMeSee foundation, leading to the creation of our start-up InSimo(read more in  8.1 ). We now propose to focus our research on the use of real-time simulation for per-operative guidance. The underlying objectives include patient-specific biophysical modeling, dedicated numerical techniques for real-time computation, dynamic topological representations, data assimilation and image-driven simulation. This last topic is a transverse research theme and raises several open problems, ranging from non-rigid registration to augmented reality. To pursue these directions we have started to assemble a team with a multidisciplinary background, and have established close collaborations with academic and clinical partners. One of these key partners is the ICube laboratory. We also collaborate with members of Inria Nancy, Inria Lille, Ecole Centrale de Lille, University of Luxembourg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and TIMC Laboratory in Grenoble and CIMIT in Boston.

Figure 1. MIMESIS team at the annual team seminar in 2015