Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams not involved in an Inria International Labs
Title: Fostering Research on Models for Storytelling Applications
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
The application context targeted by this proposal is Interactive Virtual Storytelling. The growing importance of this form of media reveals the necessity to re-think and re-assess the way narratives are traditionally structured and authored. In turn, this requires from the research community to address complex scientific and technical challenges at the intersection of literature, robotics, artificial intelligence, and computer graphics. This joint collaboration addresses three key issues in virtual storytelling: (i) delivering better authoring tools for designing interactive narratives based on literary-founded narrative structures, (ii) establishing a bridge between the semantic level of the narrative and the geometric level of the final environment to enable the simulation of complex and realistic interactive scenarios in 3D, and (iii) providing a full integration of the cinematographic dimension through the control of high-level elements of filmic style (pacing, preferred viewpoints, camera motion). The project is founded on a past solid collaboration and will rely on the team's complementarity to achieve the tasks through the development of a joint research prototype.
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
RE-SIMS aims at gathering the best international research teams working on crowd simulation to allow significant progresses on the level of realism achieved by crowd simulators. To this end, RE-SIMS aims at improving methods for capturing crowd motion data that describe real crowd behaviors, as well as by improving data assimilation techniques.
In this renewal, RE-SIMS extends the previous SIMS partnership and follows a multidiciplinary direction.
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
Hubert Shum, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, collaboration with Franck Multon with joint papers,
Edouard Auvinet, Imperial College London, UK, collaboration with Franck Multon with joint papers,
Alexandra Covaci, Middlesex University of London, collaboration with Franck Multon with joint papers,
Jean Meunier, Carl-Eric Aubin, and Maxime Raison, University of Montreal, collaboration with Franck Multon with joint papers,