Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Moais has an intensive reviewing activity for a large variety of Conferences and Journals we do not detail here.
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committee
IEEE VR 2015 (IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality): Workshop Chair
HCW'2015 (24th IEEE Heterogeneous Computing Workshop) may 23, Hyderabad, India: Program Chair
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committee
LDAV 2015 (IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Anlysis and Visualization)
SEARIS 2015 (Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems)
EGPGV 2015 (Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Rendering and Visualization)
SVR 2015 ((Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality - Brazil)
HPSC (6th IEEE Internat. conf on High performance Scientific Computing) march 16-20, 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam
CCgrid (14th IEEE/ACM internat symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing), may 4-7, Shenzhen, China
IPDPS 2015 (26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium) may 24-28, Hyderabad, India
HICOMB'2015 (14th IEEE Internat Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology) may 23, Hyderabad, India
ISPDC (14th Internat Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing) june 29-july 01, 2015, Limassol, Cyprus
MISTA (7th conference multidisciplinary internat. Scheduling conference), august 25-28, 2015,Prague, Czech Republic
Topic chair Euro-Par (Scheduling and load balancing) august 26-28, 2015, Vienna, Austria
ParCo2015 (International Conference on Parallel Computing) sept. 1-4, Edinburgh, Scotland
PPAM'15 (11th internat. conf on parallel processing and applied Maths) sept. 6-9, 2015, Krakow, Poland
Edu-HPC (Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing), nov 16, 2015, Austin, USA
Member of the editorial board
Associate Editor of the Parallel Computing journal PARCO, D. Trystram.
Member of the Editorial Board of Computational Methods in Science and Technology, D. Trystram.
Member of the Editorial Board of ARIMA (revue africaine de recherche en informatique et maths appliquées), D. Trystram
Member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems TPDS, D. Trystram.