Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: J-L. Roch co-director (Grenoble-INP) with P Elbaz-Vincent (Université Joseph Fourier, Math. Dept) of the Master "SCCI Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems" (M2) joined between UJF and INP Grenoble Universities. This Master, started in 2001, is taught in English from sept 2007 (international Master). It has been refunded in 2015 to build a new Master 2 program "Cybersecurit" that will open in Q3 2016.

  • Master: C. Pernet and Denis Trystram are responsible of the first year (M1) of the international Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG-M1).

  • Master: V Danjean: course "Parallel Programming" (M2), Grenoble University,.

  • Master: J-L. Roch, "Security models" 24h (M2), Grenoble University

  • Master: D. Trystram, P.-F. Dutot, J.-L. Roch, "Complexity, approximation theory and randomization" master course (M2) at Grenoble University

  • Master: François Broquedis. 192 hours per year. 192 hours per year. Engineering school Grenoble-INP/Ensimag, 1st year/L3 and Master (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year).

  • Master: Vincent Danjean. 242 hours per year. Licence (third year) and Master (first and second year) at Joseph Fourier University. First to third year of engineering school at Polytech' Grenoble.

  • Master: Pierre-François Dutot. 226 hours per year. Licence (first and second year) at IUT2/UPMF (Institut Universitaire Technologique de l'Université Pierre Mendès-France) and 9 hours Master M2R-ISC Informatique-Systèmes-Communication at Joseph Fourier University.

  • Master: Guillaume Huard. 242 hours per year. Licence (first and third year) and Master (first year) at Joseph Fourier University.

  • Master: Grégory Mounié. 242 hours per year. Master (first year) and Computer Science for Non Computer Scientist Post-Master at Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP.

  • Master: Clement Pernet. 210 hours per year. University J. Fourier. Master (first year and second year) and Licence (3rd year).

  • Licence: Bruno Raffin. 38 hours per year. Engineering school ENSIMAG.

  • Master: Jean-Louis Roch. 242 hours per year. Engineering school Grenoble-INP/Ensimag and Master (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year)

  • Master: Denis Trystram. 200 hours per year in average, mainly at first level of Engineering School.

  • Master: Frédéric Wagner. 220 hours per year. Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year) (190h), Master DESS/M2-P SCCI Security (30h).


  • David Beniamine (since 2013). Parallelisation Patterns and Scheduling for Real-Time Physics Simulations. Co-advised by Guillaume Huard and Bruno Raffin.

  • Amrit Kumar (since 2013). Analysis of work-stealing and adpative algorithms. Labex-Persyval co-advised PhD by Pascal Lafourcade (Verimag lab), Cedric Lauradoux (Inria Privatics team) and Jean-Louis Roch.

  • Gilles Daviet (since 2013). Parallel Macroscopic Simulations of Fibrous Materials. Co-advised by Florence Bertails-Descoubes and Bruno Raffin.

  • Julio Toss (since 2013). Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures for Physically Based Simulation of Deformable Objects. Join Ph.D with UFRGS, Brazil. Co-advised by Joao Comba and Bruno Raffin.

  • Adrien Roussel. Mutli-CPUs/Multi-GPUs parallelization of numerical solvers. Co-advised by Jean-Marc Gratien (IFPEN) and Thierry Gautier.

  • Philippe Virouleau. Scalability of OpenMP runtime. Co-advised by Bruno Raffin, François Broquedis, Raymond Namyst and Thierry Gautier.

  • Marwa Sridi (since 2013). Parallel Algorithm Composition for Transient Mechanic Simulations. Join Ph.D with CEA, France. Co-advised by Vincent Faucher, Thierry Gautier and Bruno Raffin.

  • Ziad Sultan (since 2012). Hig-performance algebraic computations. Co-advised Ph.D by Jean-Guillaume Dumas (LJK Lab) and Clément Pernet.

  • Stefano Mor (2011-2015). Analysis of work-stealing and adpative algorithms. Join Ph.D with UFRGS, Brazil. Co-advised by Jean-Louis Roch, Nicolas Maillard and Bruno Raffin

  • Mathieu Dreher (2011-2015). In-Situ Visualization for Molecular Dynamics. Advised by Bruno Raffin.

  • David Glesser. Energy Aware Resource Management for HPC. Co-advised by Yianis Georgiou (BULL) and Denis Trystram.

  • Raphaël Bleuse. Affinity Scheduling. Co-advised by Gregory Mounié and Denis Trystram.

  • Millian Poquet. Enhanced Data Movements for HPC. Co-advised by Pierre-François Dutot and Denis Trystram.

  • Abhinav Srivastav. Persyval. Multi-objective Scheduling. Co-advised by Oded Maler (VERIMAG) and Denis Trystram.

  • Fernando Machado Mendonca. Locality Aware Scheduling. Co-advised by Frederic Wagner and Denis Trystram.

  • Alessandro Kraemer. Scheduling in the Cloud. Join Ph.D with UFPR, Brazil. Co-advised by Olivier Richard, and Denis Trystram.


  • B Raffin: Reviewer of the PhD. of Julien Duchateau, 9th of December 2015, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale. "Parallélisation de simulations physiques utilisant un modèle de Boltzmann multi-phases et multi-composants en vue d’un épandage de GNL sur sol."

  • JL Roch: PhD of Marcelo Alejandro Forets Irurtia, 10th of December 2015, Université de Grenoble : "Marches quantiques et mécanique quantique relativiste".

  • JL Roch: PhD of Bastien Vialla, 14th of December 2015, Université de Montpellier : "Contributions à l’Algèbre Linéaire Exacte sur Corps Finis et au Chiffrement Homomorphe"

  • Denis Trystram reveiwer of the PhD of Samia Kouki (14 février 2015)

  • Denis Trystram jury member of the HDR of Cécile Murat (12 mai 2015)

  • Denis Trystram president of the PhD jury of Nathalie Herr (19 novembre 2015)

  • Denis Trystram reviewer of the PhD of Julien Herman (25 novembre 2015)