Section: New Results
Explicit Modeling of Speech Production and Perception
Participants : Yves Laprie, Slim Ouni, Vincent Colotte, Anne Bonneau, Agnès Piquard-Kipffer, Emmanuel Vincent, Denis Jouvet, Julie Busset, Benjamin Elie, Andrea Bandini, Ilef Ben Farhat, Sara Dahmani, Valérian Girard.
Articulatory modeling
Acoustic simulations
The acoustic simulation plays a key role in articulatory synthesis since it generates the acoustic signal from the instantaneous geometry of the vocal tract. This year we extended the single-matrix formulation to enable self-oscillation models of vocal folds, including glottal chinks, to be connected to the vocal tract. It also integrates the case of a local division of the main air path into two lateral channels, as it may occur during the production of lateral approximants. Extensions give rise to a reformulation of the acoustic conditions at the glottis, and at the upstream connection of bilateral channels. Numerical simulations validate the simulation framework. In particular the presence of a zero around 4 kHz due to the presence of bilateral channels around both sides of the tongue for the sound /l/ is confirmed by the simulations. These results agree with those obtained via independent techniques. Simulations of static vowels reveal that the behavior of the vocal folds is qualitatively similar whether they are connected to the single-matrix formulation or to the classic reflection type line analog model.
Acquisition of articulatory data
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique which provides very good static images of the vocal tract. However, it cannot be used directly to acquire dynamic images of the vocal tract which would enable a better comprehension of articulatory phenomena and the development of better coarticulation models. We thus have a cooperation with the IADI (Imagerie Adaptatative Diagnostique et Interventionnelle) INSERM laboratory in Nancy Hospital intended to develop cineMRI [86] , [87] (see. 6.8 ).
Articulatory models
An articulatory model of the velum [66] , [65] was developed in order to complete an articulatory model already comprising other articulators. The velum contour was delineated and extracted from a thousand of X-ray images corresponding to short sentences in French. A principal component analysis was applied in order to derive the main deformation modes. The first component corresponds to the opening and comes with a shape modification linked to the apparition of a bulb in the upper part of the velum when it rises. The area function of the oral tract is modified so as to incorporate the velum movements. This model was connected with acoustic simulations in order to synthesize sentences containing French nasal vowels and consonants.
Expressive acoustic-visual synthesis
During this year, we have focused on the development of the acquisition infrastructure necessary to acquire audiovisual data. Mainly, we have developed several methods that allow acquiring acoustic and visual data synchronously. The visual data can originate from the Articulograph, Vicon or Intel RealSense devices. This heterogeneity of the data needs developing techniques to merge precisely the data in one unique reference. Synchronization techniques have also been developed for this purpose. We have evaluated the precision of the acquisition of such systems [61] . The combination of more than one motion capture technique aims to use the best quality data for each part of the face: (1) EMA (articulograph) for the lips, to have high precise measurement of the shape of the mouth that is related to speech and (2) kinect-like or Vicon system for the upper part of the face, that model mainly expressions.
We have acquired a small expressive audiovisual speech corpus of two actors: based on motion capture data (Vicon) and acoustic data. The content of the corpus is composed of six basic emotions (joy, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust and fear). This corpus will be used to investigate the characterization of emotions in audiovisual speech in the visual space and in the acoustic space.
We have also developed an algorithm to animate the 3D model of human face from a limited number of markers. The animation is very efficient and provides realistic animation results [82] . The 3D face will be used with the audiovisual system.
Categorization of sounds and prosody for native and non-native speech
Categorization of sounds for native speech
We investigated the schooling of a population of 166 students from primary to intermediate and secondary schools. These children and teenagers had specific language impairment: SLI (severe language impairment), dyslexia, dysorthographia. Since their childhood, they faced phonemic discrimination, phonological and phonemic analysis difficulties. We observed that they had trouble learning to read and more generally they experienced learning difficulties. Consequently, this lead them to repeat one or more grades, whereas in France, repetition is prohibited within each cycle and very limited between cycles.
Analysis of non-native pronunciations
Thanks to the detailed manual annotation of the French-German learner corpus that was carried out at the phonetic level in the IFCASL project (cf. 9.1.2 ), it was possible to investigate non-native pronunciation variants. The analysis revealed that German learners of French have most problems with obstruents in word-final position, whereas French learners of German show complex interferences with the vowel contrasts for length and quality [41] . Also, the correct pronunciation rate of the sounds, for several phonetic classes, was analyzed with respect to the learner’s level, and compared to native pronunciations. One outcome is that different sound classes show different correct rates over the proficiency levels; and, for the German data, the frequently occurring syllabic [=n] is a prime indicator of the proficiency level.
We analyzed the realizations of French voiced fricatives by German non-native and French native speakers, in final position of an accentual group, a position where German fricatives are devoiced [27] , [28] . Three speaker levels (from beginners to advanced) and different boundary types (depending on whether the fricative is followed by a pause, a schwa, or is directly followed by the first phoneme of the subsequent group) were considered. A set of cues, among which periodicity and fricative duration, have been analyzed. Results argue in favor of an influence of L1 (German) final devoicing on non-native realizations and show a strong interdependence between voicing, speakers' level, prosodic boundaries. The influence of orthography also strongly influenced voicing results.
We also investigated the realization of the short/long German contrast by French learners through three methods [60] . All these methods - phonetic annotation, perceptual experiment and acoustic analysis - used the same database (the IFCASL corpus). Depending on the method the results shed light on slightly different aspects of the same process, the interference of the French phonetic and phonological systems on the production of the German L2 vowels. Whereas the first method (phonetic annotation) revealed that especially rounded vowels are problematic in the long/short distinction, we could show with the second method (a perceptual experiment) that particularly the [o:]/[O] distinction seems to be hard to produce for French learners. The third method (an acoustical analysis) corroborated this finding and added acoustic details on duration and formants. The results of the studies can be used to create individualized training and feedback for foreign language learners, aimed at reducing their accent in L2.