Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • Program chair of the 5th PhD School on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA), 2015.

Member of the organizing committees
  • R. Teixeira, Workshop co-chair of ACM SIGCOMM 2015.

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committees
  • R. Teixeira, Co-chair of the program committee of ACM CoNEXT 2015.

  • V. Christophides, Area Chair for “Semi-structured, Web, and Linked Data Management” in the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'16) , Bali, Indonesia 2016 (internationalscienceindex.org/event/2016/10/bali/ ICDE)

  • V. Christophides, Workshop co-chair of the 2nd International Workshop on Preservation of Evolving Big Data, co-located with EDBT 2016 with G. Papastefanatos and S. Viglas March 15, 2016 Bordeaux, France (www.diachron-fp7.eu/2nd-diachron-workshop.html )

Member of the conference program committees
  • R. Teixeira, ACM IMC 2015

  • V. Christophides, Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2015

  • V. Christophides, Int'l Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2016

  • A.-K. Pietilainen, CHI 2016


Member of the editorial boards
  • R. Teixeira, Editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (Feb. 2011 – Feb. 2015)

Invited talks

  • R. Teixeira, “HostView: Measuring Internet quality of experience on end-hosts”, Journée thématique - Métrologie des réseaux - de la DGA, Rennes, November 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “UCN user study”, panelist at ACM SIGCOMM workshop on crowdsourcing and crowdsharing of (big) Internet data, London, August 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “HostView: Measuring Internet quality of experience on end-hosts”, Princeton University, USA, July 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “HostView: Measuring Internet quality of experience on end-hosts”, Journée du Conseil scientifique de l'Afnic, Paris, July 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “Home network diagnosis”, Workshop of “Aux frontières du système” of the “Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système”, Lille, June, 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “Measuring Internet Experience from Home Networks", invited talk, Workshop on Active Internet Measurements, San Diego, USA, April, 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “Home network performance diagnosis”, Microsoft Research Devices and Networking Summit, Paris, May 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “Home network performance diagnosis”, workshop on Information and Communication Systems and their application to vertical sectors, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2015.

  • R. Teixeira, “Fathom: A Browser-based Network Measurement Platform”, invited talk at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 2015.

Leadership within the scientific community

  • R. Teixeira, Vice-chair of ACM SIGCOMM (since Jun. 2013).

  • R. Teixeira, chair of the ACM SIGCOMM Industrial Liaison Board.

  • R. Teixeira, member of the steering committee of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (since Nov. 2009)