Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs projects
MuTant team hosted a Master Level student from the Inria Chile Center in partnership with the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. The project, undertaken by Nicolas Schmidt Gubbins and supervised by Arshia Cont and Jean-Louis Giavitto, ended in the first prototype of an embedded Antescofo engine (see 7.7 ) with internal audio processing on Raspberry PI and UDOO mini-computers (See Presentation Video) . A publication of preliminary results is underway and early results reported in [29] .
Informal International Partners
We are pursuing a long term collaboration with Masahiko Sakai (U. Nagoya) on term rewriting techniques and applications (in particular applications related to rhythm notation) [14] , [17] .
We are collaborating with Slawek Staworko (LINKS, currently on leave at U. Edinburgh), and more generaly the Algomus group at Lille, in the context of our projects on rhythm transcription described at Sections 6.4 and 7.10 .
MuTant team collaborates with Bucharest Polytechnic University, in the framework of Grig Burloiu's PhD Thesis on AscoGraph UIX design which has resulted in a the new design of AscoGraph (see 6.2 ) and two publications [12] , [13] .
MuTant team collaborated with researchers at National Institute of Informatics of Tokyo on real-time Symbolic Alignment of music data resulting in the publication in [19] .