Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Masahiko Sakai (Professor at the University of Nagoya) visited MuTant for two weeks in September 20154, for collaboration on term rewriting techniques applied to tree-structured symbolic representations of rhythm.
Slawek Staworko (LINKS, on leave at U. of Edinburgh) visited MuTant for two weeks in September and December 2015, for collaborations on the problem of automatic rhythm transcription.
Professor Miller Puckette (UCSD) visited MuTant for two weeks in May 2015, participating in the PhD defense of José Echeveste and collaborating with the team on the new Audio Processing engine for embedded mini-computers.
The MuTant team hosted an International Internship from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Nicolas Schmidt, working on the first instances of embedded Antescofo Audio Engine (See Presentation Video) (see also 7.7 ) [29] .