Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Security Monitoring of Clouds, collaboration with DGA-MI in the framework of the Cybersecurity Pole of Excellence (2014-2018)
Participants : Anna Giannakou, Christine Morin, Jean-Louis Pazat, Louis Rilling, Amir Teshome Wonjiga.
Our study aims at defining and enforcing SLA for security monitoring of virtualized information systems. To this aim we study three topics:
making the SLA terms enforcement mechanisms self-adaptable to cope with the dynamic nature of clouds.
The considered enforcement and evaluation mechanisms should have a minimal impact on performance. The funding from DGA funds two PhD students: Anna Giannakou and Amir Teshome Wonjiga.
CominLabs EPOC project (2013-2016)
Participants : Sabbir Hasan Rochi, Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jean-Louis Pazat.
In this project, partners aim at focusing on energy-aware task execution from the hardware to application's components in the context of a mono-site data center (all resources are in the same physical location) which is connected to the regular electric Grid and to renewable energy sources (such as windmills or solar cells). In this context, we tackle three major challenges:
Optimizing the energy consumption of distributed infrastructures and service compositions in the presence of ever more dynamic service applications and ever more stringent availability requirements for services.
Designing a clever cloud's resource management which takes advantage of renewable energy availability to perform opportunistic tasks, then exploring the trade-off between energy saving and performance aspects in large-scale distributed systems.
Investigating energy-aware optical ultra high-speed interconnection networks to exchange large volumes of data (VM memory and storage) over very short periods of time.
EcoPaaS, Brittany region SAD project(2014-2015)
Participants : Maria Del Mar Callau Zori, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Guillaume Pierre.
Many research efforts have been dedicated to reducing cloud energy consumption, in particular by optimizing the Infrastructure-as-a-Service layer of the Cloud. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is the layer in charge of the virtualization of physical resources, and therefore has direct control over energy-related elements. However, the IaaS layer has no knowledge about the nature of applications which run over these resources, which limits the scope of decisions it can take.
The EcoPaaS project therefore aim at making the IaaS layer (in charge of resources) and the PaaS layer (in charge of applications) collaborate to further reduce the Cloud energy consumption. The idea is to define standard interfaces that allow both layers to exchange relevant information and to coordinate their actions. Exchanging information will for example allow the PaaS layer to estimate the energy consumption of each application it is running. Coordinating actions will in turn allow the system to avoid situations where both layers simultaneously take mutually-damaging actions. This project has been funding Maria del Mar Callau-Zori's postdoc.
Participants : Yvon Jégou, Edouard Outin, Jean-Louis Pazat.
Yvon Jégou and Jean-Louis Pazat are at IRT B-Com ( ) one day per week. With Édouard Outin, B-com PhD student, they contribute to the B-Com Indeed project, which aims at developing a distributed cloud software stack with a high degree of adaptability.
In the last period, they were involved in the elaboration of new projects in the Cloud Computing lab of B-Com.