Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Inria ADT GinFlow (2014-2016)

Participants : Christine Morin, Javier Rojas Balderrama, Matthieu Simonin, Cédric Tedeschi.

The GinFlow technological development action funded by Inria targets the development of a fully-operational workflow management system based on the HOCL-TS software prototype developed during the PhD thesis of Héctor Fernandez between 2009 and 2012. Also, it allows the integration of this software with the TIGRES workflow engine developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab so as to make the workflows submitted using the TIGRES programming model run in a decentralized fashion. These developments led to the release of the GinFlow software and its deposit at the APP (Agence de Protection des Programmes).

Inria IPL Discovery (2015-2019)

Participants : Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Cédric Tedeschi.

The Inria IPL Discovery officially started in September 2015. It targets the design, development and deployment of a distributed Cloud infrastructure within the network's backbone. It will be based upon a set of building blocks whose design will take locality as a primary constraint, so as to minimize distant communications and consequently achieve better network traffic, partition management and improved availability.

Its developments are planned to get integrated within the OpenStack framework. An energy/cost benefit analysis of the fully distributed Discovery architecture will also be performed to show the energy efficiency of the chosen approach.

Inria IPL CityLab (2015-2018)

Participant : Christine Morin.

The Inria Project Lab (IPL) CityLab@Inria (https://citylab.inria.fr ) studies ICT solutions toward smart cities that promote both social and environmental sustainability. A strong emphasis of the Lab is on the undertaking of a multi-disciplinary research program through the integration of relevant scientific and technology studies, from sensing up to analytics and advanced applications, so as to actually enact the foreseen smart city Systems of Systems. City-scale experiments of the proposed platforms and services are planned in cities in California and France, thereby learning lessons from diverse setups.

Myriads investigates advanced cloud solutions for the Future Internet, which are critical for the processing of urban data. It leverages its experience in cloud computing and Internet of services while expanding its research activities to the design and implementation of cloud services to support crowd-Xing applications and mobile social applications.

In 2015, Christine Morin contributed to the preparation of the MOOC entitled Villes Intelligentes : défis technologiques et sociétaux (Smart cities : technological and social challenges) to be run on the FUN platform starting in January 2016. She prepared eight sequences on urban data management in clouds.

MIHMES ANR Investissements d'Avenir (2012 - 2018)

Participants : Yvon Jégou, Christine Morin.

The MIMHES project (http://www.inra.fr/mihmes ) led by INRA/BioEpAR aims at producing scientific knowledge and methods for the management of endemic infectious animal diseases and veterinary public health risks. Myriads team will provide software tools to efficiently manage and ease the use of a distributed computing infrastructure for the execution of different simulation applications.

In 2015, we developed a distributed framework which allows do exploit multiple compute servers in parallel. Parallelism is exploited both at server level using OpenMP and at data-center level using this framework. To facilitate the deployment of the workloads on heterogeneous environments, this framework limits the requirements concerning the server configurations. They need not share any file system, the workloads can be programmed in differing programming language. These servers need only the capability to communicate through the network. The system allows to dynamically add and stop servers. To some extend, it is tolerant to server failures. A first version is available since summer 2015. The framework is currently being repackaged to facilitate its reuse for new workloads.

PIA ELCI (2015-2018)

Participant : Anne-Cécile Orgerie.

The PIA ELCI project deals with software environment for computation-intensive applications. It is leaded by BULL. In the context of this project, we collaborate with ROMA and Avalon teams from Lyon: we co-supervise a PhD student (Issam Rais) funded by this project with these teams on multicriteria scheduling for large-scale HPC environments.


Participant : Anne-Cécile Orgerie.

The EcoInfo group deals with reducing environmental and societal impacts of Information and Communications Technologies from hardware to software aspects. This group aims at providing critical studies, lifecycle analyses and best practices in order to improve the energy efficiency of printers, servers, data centers, and any ICT equipment in use in public research organizations.