Section: Dissemination
- Christine Morin
is a member of the Project-Team Committee of Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique (Comité des projets), a member of the board of the Project-Team Committee of Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique (since November 2015), Référent Chercheur for Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique . She was a member of the Irisa/Inria “Commission Personnel” being in charge of post-docs and "délégations" (until October 2015). She was corresponding for North America relationships in the Inria Direction of European and International Relationships (until November 2015).
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie
is in charge (chargée de mission) of the “Green IT” transversal axis of IRISA.
- Nikolaos Parlavantzas
is the local coordinator for the international exchange of students at the computer science department of Insa.
- Guillaume Pierre
is the local coordinator of the EIT Digital master school in Rennes, and the local coordinator of the Erasmus exchange program between Université de Rennes 1 and Politehnica University Bucharest.
- Jean-Louis Pazat
is the leader of the “Large Scale Systems” department of IRISA. He is the leader of the computer Science Lab at INSA (IRISA-INSA). He is the coordinator for reviews of international bilateral cooperation projects at the Ministry of Research and Higher Education in the STIC domain.
- Thierry Priol
is the director of the Inria European and International Partnership department.
- Cédric Tedeschi
is a member of the administration council of the EECS departement of the University of Rennes 1.
- Yvon Jégou
is a member of the Grid 5000 executive committee. He is a member of the Comité de Sélection et de Validation (CSV) of the Images & Réseaux cluster.