Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Engineering School: L. Bougrain, Artificial Intelligence, 109h, 3rd year, Telecom Nancy, France

  • Engineering School: L. Bougrain, Brain-Computer interfaces, 4.5h, 3rd year, Supelec, France

  • Engineering School: T. Tosic, Process and knowledge modeling, 27h, 3rd year, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering School: T. Tosic, Informatique I, 20h, 2nd year, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering School: T. Tosic, Techniques et solutions informatiques, 24h, 3rd year, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering School: T. Tosic, ARTEM workshop ABCD Web, 40h, 3rd year, ICN, Ecole d'art et design, École des Mines, France

  • Engineering School: A. Hutt, Pépites Algorithmiques, 9h, niveau M1, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering School: F. Giovannini, Artificial Intelligence, 32h, 3rd year, Telecom Nancy, France

  • Engineering School: F. Giovannini, Techniques and tOols for Programming, 32h, 1st year, Telecom Nancy, France

  • Licence: L. Buhry, Applications en Sciences Cognitives, 3h, niveau L1 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Buhry, Programmation Python, 37h, niveau L1 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Buhry, IA et Résolution de problèmes, 25h, niveau L3 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, mobile development, 35h, Licence of computer science (3st year), University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, artificial intelligence, 35h, Licence of computer science (3st year), University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, optimization, 37.5h, Licence of computer science (3st year), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, Algoritmique pour l’intelligence artificielle, 31h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, IA fondamentale et fouille de données, 18h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, Formalismes de Représentation et Raisonnement, 25h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, Memory and Machine Learning (in English), 38h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, Neurosciences Computationnelles, 25h, niveau Master 2 SCMN, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Bougrain, Machine learning, 18h, Master of computer science, 2st year, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Bougrain, Human factors, 30h, Master of computer science 1st year, University of Lorraine, France


  • PhD in progress: Meysam Hashemi, Analytical and numerical studies of thalamo-cortical neural population models during general anesthesia, May 2012, A. Hutt

  • PhD in progress: Mariia Fedotenkova, Detection of EEG-signal features for pain under general anaesthesia, November 2013, A. Hutt

  • PhD in progress: Cecilia Lindig-Leon, Multilabel classification for a 3D control of a robotic arm using band-specific EEG markers associated with a motor task, November 2013, L. Bougrain and A. Hutt

  • PhD in progress: Francesco Giovannini, Mathematical modelling of the memory system under general anesthesia, October 2014, L. Buhry and A. Hutt

  • Winter 2015 Internship: Jean-Baptiste Jordan Schneider (M1 Biology, univ. de Lorraine), Investigating the Effects of Propofol-Induced Tonic Inhibition on Rhythmic Neural Activity in a Hippocampal Interneuron Network (F. Giovannini, L. Buhry)

  • Master research project (2nd year): Louis Viard (Engineering School Ecole des Mines de Nancy), Detection of micro-awake episodes in sleep signal using time-frequency descriptors (T. Tosic)

  • Master thesis: Sébastien Rimbert (master of cognitive science, univ. de Lorraine) Study of the dynamics of brain motor components during anesthesia (L. Bougrain)

  • Master thesis: Benjamin Le Golvan (master of biomedical engineering, univ. de Lorraine) Longitudinal study of motor activities (L. Bougrain)


  • Axel Hutt was member of PhD committee of Arnaud Legendre, University of Mulhouse, as reviewer. He has participated in the candidates defence October 28 2015.


  • Member of the IES committee (Commission Information et Edition Scientifique) at Inria Nancy–Grand-Est (Laurent Bougrain)

  • Member of Inria committee COST-GTRI to evaluate Inria Associate Teams (Axel Hutt).