Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Laurent Bougrain co-organized an international Brain-Computer Interfaces competition on Error Potential Detection with Cross-subject Generalization with Maureen Clerc, Fabien Lotte, Emmanuel Maby, Jérémie Mattout and Théodore Papadopoulo. 311 participants of 260 different teams in the world participated to the competition. Gao Shangkai and Bin He were in the advisory board. IEEE EMBS, Inria, and Institute for Engineering in Medicine at University of Minnesota were sponsors of this event. The prizes have been presented to winners during the IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering conference, April 22-24, 2015. The winner has been invited to publish a manuscript at IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.


  • We stepped up our collaboration with the department of anesthesia of the university hospital in Nancy (Dr. Denis Schmartz and Pr. Claude Meistelmann) leading to a PhD thesis co-funded by the school of medicine of the university of Lorraine, Inria, the Lorraine laboratory for research in computer science (LORIA), the Lorraine Region and the urban community of Nancy. The PhD will start in January 2016 on the study of the dynamics of cerebral motor patterns during general anesthesia with Sébastien Rimbert under the supervision of Axel Hutt and Laurent Bougrain.