Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • We collaborate with Jamie Sleigh (University of Auckland, New Zealand), who provides us with experimental EEG-data obtained in humans during anaesthesia (A. Hutt).

  • In the collaboration with Flavio Frohlich (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill), we receive experimental data measured intracranially in ferrets and analyse them on spectral properties (A. Hutt).

  • In the collaboration with Jérémy Lefebvre (University of Lausanne), we have been working out together a stochastic delayed neural field analysis leading to new insights into the effects of additive noise (A. Hutt).

  • The collaboration with Peter beim Graben (Humboldt University Berlin) on recurrence data analysis has led to analysis techniques to detect meta-stable states in EEG-signals (A. Hutt).

  • We have an ongoing collaboration with Pr. Motoharu Yoshida at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, aiming to study the role of persistent firing neurons in memory and more specifically in neural network synchronization. M. Yoshida provides us with biological data that we combine with simulations to test hypotheses on memory formation (L. Buhry).

  • We also collaborate with Pr. LieJune Shiau (University of Houston, Texas, USA) on more theoretical approaches concerning the role of intrinsic neuronal dynamics in network synchronization and brain oscillations (L. Buhry).