Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Concepts of Homogenenty, Implicit Lyapunov Functions and Convergence in Finite/Fixed time are now extended to different classes of dynamic systems (e.g time delay systems [27] , distributed parameters systems [67] , time-varying systems [42] , MIMO systems[38] , [25] , differential inclusions [37] , multi agent systems [19] ,[23] ). In this context, ANR Project Finite4SOS (cordinator: Wilfrid Perruquetti) is accepted for 2015-2020. It is aimed at development of different tools for non-asymptotic control and estimation for System of Systems.

  • Living sensor is a biological organism, which can be utilized as a sensor of some enveronmental characteristics. In collaboration with Aquatic Ecotoxicology (EA) team from CNRS Lab "Environnements et Paleoenvironnements Oceaniques et Continentaux", University of Bordeaux 1, we developed innovative methods for monitoring the water quality using oysters as biological sensors [16] , [51] , [15] . The project ANR WAQMOS (coordinator: Denis Efimov) is supported for 2015-2020. It is aimed at creation of novel oyster-based living sensors (including hardware and software development).

  • We provided a novel solution for motion control of wheeled mobile robots with obstacle avoidance (for single robot [32] , [32] and a formation of robots [60] ).

  • From september 2015, model-free control [84] ,[7] is applied to control the traffic on A25 (access ramp « La Chapelle-d’Armentières »), users and DiRN are satified with results (http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/region/feu-intelligent-de-l-a25-quel-bilan-quatre-mois-apres-ia11b49733n3187841).


  • Prize of “ABB AWARD: Best application/case study paper”, IFAC Safeprocess, Paris, 2015, see [80] .