Section: Dissemination
Benjamin Huard gave a talk at Journée X-ENS, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (May 2015) in front of an assembly of professors in “classes prépas”. He also gave a seminar for students at ENS Paris (Jan 2015).
Benjamin Huard, François Mallet and Mazyar Mirrahimi gave interviews for newspapers, magazines and websites (Libération, La Recherche,, les Echos, 01net, Silicon).
Benjamin Huard wrote an article for La Recherche: B Huard, Les microprocesseurs du futur, La Recherche 501, 62 (Juillet 2015).
Pierre Rouchon gave a lecture on "Stabilisation par feedback quantique de la boite à photons du LKB" ( May 21, 2015) during the "journées de l'école doctorale des Universités de Bourgogne et de Franche Comté".
Alain Sarlette is answering questions about quantum control and quantum computing on the website "" where Flemish layman can ask questions to scientific experts.