Overall Objectives
Application Domains
Overall Objectives
Application Domains

Section: Dissemination


  • Benjamin Huard gave a talk at Journée X-ENS, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (May 2015) in front of an assembly of professors in “classes prépas”. He also gave a seminar for students at ENS Paris (Jan 2015).

  • Benjamin Huard, François Mallet and Mazyar Mirrahimi gave interviews for newspapers, magazines and websites (Libération, La Recherche, Phys.org, les Echos, 01net, Silicon).

  • Benjamin Huard wrote an article for La Recherche: B Huard, Les microprocesseurs du futur, La Recherche 501, 62 (Juillet 2015).

  • Pierre Rouchon gave a lecture on "Stabilisation par feedback quantique de la boite à photons du LKB" ( May 21, 2015) during the "journées de l'école doctorale des Universités de Bourgogne et de Franche Comté".

  • Alain Sarlette is answering questions about quantum control and quantum computing on the website "ik-heb-een-vraag.be" where Flemish layman can ask questions to scientific experts.