Overall Objectives
Application Domains
Overall Objectives
Application Domains

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Benjamin Huard has given a course (20 hours) entitled “Quantum fluctuations and measurement” in the Master ICFP (International Centre for Fundamental Physics) of ENS Paris, UPMC, Paris 7 and Orsay.

  • Benjamin Huard has coordinated an experimental project (40 hours) entitled “Measuring the quantum of conductance across an ato” at ENS Paris for Physics students in L3.

  • Benjamin Huard has taught a “préceptorat” (16 hours) in Quantum Physics for L3 students in ESPCI, Paris.

  • François Mallet has taught approximately 192 hours as a university associate professor. Besides undergrad teaching, he has done classes on quantum physics (30 hours) and solid state physics (15 hours) for M1 at UPMC, and quantum transport for M2 ICFP (20 hours).

  • Mazyar Mirrahimi and Pierre Rouchon have given a course (20 hours) entitled "UE : Analyse et contrôle de systèmes quantiques " in the "Master de sciences et technologies, mention mathématiques et applications, Université Pierre et Marie Curie".

  • Pierre Rouchon has given a course (25 hours) entitled "Cryptographie, théorie des nombres et information quantique" at Mines Paristech.

  • Pierre Rouchon has given a course (12 hours) entilted "Modelling, simulation and feedback of open quantum systems " in the "module d'Ingénierie Quantique" of the "parcours doctoral de PSL-ITI".

  • Pierre Rouchon and Alain Sarlette gave a one week course (22 hours) on feedback control of quantum systems in the European Embedded Control Institute in 23-27 March 2015.

  • Alain Sarlette has given a master course on “Probabilistic robotics” at Ghent University (30 hours).


  • PhD: Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq successfully defended his PhD thesis at ENS in June 2015. He presented his works on “Measurement back action and feedback in superconducting circuits”. (advisor: Benjamin Huard).

  • PhD: Pascal Combes, Mines Paristech. “Control of electrical drive” with Schneider-Electric. He has obtained his PHD in December 2015. (advisors: Pierre Rouchon and Philippe Martin).

  • PhD in progress: Danijela Markovic. ENS. “Quantum information protocols with microwave quantum optics”. Sept 2014. (advisors: Benjamin Huard and François Mallet).

  • PhD in progress: Nathanaël Cottet. ENS. “Quantum heat engines based on superconducting circuits”. Sept 2015. (advisor: Benjamin Huard).

  • PhD in progress: Quentin Ficheux. ENS. “Thermodynamics of quantum information”. Sept 2015. (advisors: Benjamin Huard and Zaki Leghtas).

  • PhD in progress: Joachim Cohen. ENS. “Fault-tolerant quantum computation for experiments in circuit QED”. Nov 2013 (advisor: Mazyar Mirrahimi).

  • PhD in progress: Noad Hamze El Badaoui. Mines Paristech. “Real-time estimation for Laser Gyroscope” with Thales. January 2013. (advisors: Pierre Rouchon and Philippe Martin).

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Six. Mines Paristech. “Parameter and quantum state estimation relying on quantum measurements”. Sept 2013. (advisor: Pierre Rouchon).

  • PhD in progress: Rémi Azouit. Mines Paristech. “Quantum circuits, Input/Output theory and adiabatic elimination”. Sept 2014. (advisor: Pierre Rouchon).

  • PhD in progress: Alain Sarlette is co-supervising 3 PhD students with his former institution UGent (Simon Apers, Zhifei Zhang, Arash Farnam). Simon Apers is working on (quantum) network algorithms accelerations and intends to address other quantum control questions.


  • Benjamin Huard was a member the PhD defense committees of Kevin Lalumière (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada), Eric Holland (Yale University, New Haven, CT USA) and Pasi Lähteenmäki (Aalto University, Finland).

  • Pierre Rouchon was a member the PhD defense committees of Achraf Kallel (Mines ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis), Axel Barrau (Mines ParisTech), Giovanni De Nunzio (Université de Grenoble), Philippe Laurent (Université de Nantes).