Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Benjamin Huard organized and was a member of the program committee of two international conferences in 2015: the CTCQED15 conference in Dresden (1 week in June/July) and the Third Conference on Quantum Thermodynamics in Porquerolles (1 week in October).
Alain Sarlette has organized an invited session on “quantum control” at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2015 in Osaka.
Member of the editorial boards
Mazyar Mirrahimi is an associate editor of System and Control Letters.
Pierre Rouchon is an associate editor of SIAM J. of Control and Optimization.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
Benjamin Huard served as a referee for Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters and other physics journals.
François Mallet served as a referee for Physical Review Letters .
Mazyar Mirrahimi served as a referee for Nature Comm., Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review Journals.
Pierre Rouchon served as referee for IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Automatica, System and Control Letters, and New J. of Physics.
Alain Sarlette has been a reviewer for several automatic control and dynamical systems journals and conferences.
Invited talks
Benjamin Huard gave an invited talk at the Colloquium of the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, June 2015.
Benjamin Huard gave an invited talk at the PIERS conference, Prague, July 2015.
Benjamin Huard gave an invited talk at the Colloquium of the Physics department, University of Basel, Switzerland, Oct 2015.
Benjamin Huard gave an invited talk at the workshop of University of Tokyo- Ecole Normale Superieure, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 2015.
Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq gave an invited talk at the “Congrès du GDR IQFA”, Palaiseau, France, Novembre 2015.
Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq gave an invited talk at the American Physical Society's March Meeting in Saint Antonio, Texas, March 2-6.
Benjamin Huard and Mazyar Mirrahimi gave invited talks at the conference organized for the 30 years of Quantronics: Paris, June 22-25.
François Mallet gave an invited talk at the 14th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations In Gdansk, 29 June- 3 July.
Mazyar Mirrahimi gave an invited talk at the Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT) conference in Prague: July 27-August 1.
Mazyar Mirrahimi gave an invited talk at the Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light and Matter: Mount Holyoke College, MA, August 2-7.
Mazyar Mirrahimi gave an invited talk at Quantum Science Symposium in Cambridge, MA: Sept 21-22.
Pierre Rouchon gave an invited talk at the Workshop on Control Systems and Identication Problems January 12-16, 2015 in Valparaso, CHILE.
Mazyar Mirrahimi and Pierre Rouchon gave invited talks at the Oberwolfach Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics.
Pierre Rouchon gave an invited talk at the PRACQSYS meeting in Sydney: 20-25 July 2015.
Alain Sarlette gave an invited talk at the International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in Beijing, August 10-14.
Alain Sarlette gave an invited talk at the second international conference on Geometric Science of Information in Palaiseau, France, Oct 28-30.
Scientific expertise
Benjamin Huard was a member of the ANR CES30 committee in 2015.
Mazyar Mirrahimi is a member of the Technical Committee on "Distributed Parameter Systems" in IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control).
Pierre Rouchon is a member of the "Conseil Scientifique du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers" since 2014.