Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
Inria Chile
Associate Team involved in the International Lab:
Title: Infrastructure for a new generation of development tools
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Performing effective software development and maintenance are best achieved with effective tool support. Provided by a variety of tools, each one presenting a specific kinds of information supporting the task at hand. With Plomo2, we want to invent a new generation tools to navigate and profile programs by combining dynamic information with visualization to improve the development environment.
Inria International Partners
Declared Inria International Partners
Participants : Marcus Denker [correspondant] , Stéphane Ducasse [RMoD] , Nicolas Anquetil [RMoD] , Diego Garbervetsky [UBA,LAFHIS] , Gabriela Arevalo [Universidad Nacional de Quilmes)] , Nicolas Passerini [Uqbar] .
Uqbar - Argentina
Uqbar is a foundation of researchers teaching in several universities of the Buenos Aires area. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (FRBA) Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Universidad Nacional de San Martin,Universidad Nacional del Oeste. LAFHIS is a research laboratory from the University of Buenos Aires. More information at ( ).
Informal International Partners
Pharo in Research: We are building an ecosystem around Pharo with international research groups, universities and companies. Several research groups (such as Software Composition Group – Bern, and Pleaid – Santiago) are using Pharo. Many universities are teaching OOP using Pharo and its books. Several companies worldwide are deploying business solutions using Pharo.
University of Mons, Belgium Julien Delplanque is a student in the master M1 program from Mons University. He is working on SQL parsers and code critics.
Participation In other International Programs
Participants : Damien Cassou [correspondant] , Gustavo Santos [RMoD] , Martin Dias [RMoD] , David Röthlisberger [UDP - Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile] , Marcelo Almeida Maia [UFU - Federal University of Uberlândia, Brasil] , Romain Robbes [Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (DCC), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile] , Martin Monperrus [Spirals] .
Project Partners: Inria RMOD, Inria Spirals, DCC Universidad de Chile, Universidad Diego Portale Chile, Federal University of Uberlândia, Brasil.
This project aims at facilitating the usage of frameworks and application programming interfaces (APIs) by mining software repositories. Our intuition is that mining reveals how existing projects instantiate these frameworks. By locating concrete framework instantiations in existing projects, we can recommend to developers the concrete procedures for how to use a particular framework for a particular task in a new system. Our project also tackles the challenge of adapting existing systems to new versions of a framework or API by seeking repositories for how other systems adapted to such changes. We plan to integrate recommendations of how to instantiate a framework and adapt to changes directly in the development environment. Those points taken together, considerably distinguish our approach from existing research in the area of framework engineering.
Nicolas Anquetil visited one week the ASERG team of Pr. Marco Tulio Valente at Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil), and another week the team of Pr. Alexander Bergel at University of Chile.
European Lab with Delft
We have a Lille Nord Europe European Lab with A. Bachelli from Delft University. We are working on infrastructure and tools for code reviewing. We have exchange of staff and presented a paper at SANER 2015.