ROMA - 2015
New Software and Platforms
New Results
New Software and Platforms
New Results

Section: New Results

Parallel scheduling of task trees with limited memory

Participants : Clément Brasseur [ENS Lyon] , Guillaume Aupy, Loris Marchal.

Scientific workloads are often described by directed acyclic task graphs. This is in particular the case for multifrontal factorization of sparse matrices —the focus of this work— whose task graph is structured as a tree of parallel tasks. When processing this tree on a multicore machine, we have to find a tradeoff between task parallelism and memory usage. In this context, Agullo et al.  [62] proposed an activation scheme which follows a postorder traversal and books the memory needed for the task. This strategy has a low complexity and thus has been implemented in the lightweight runtime system StarPU  [65] , but may lead to excessive memory booking, which limits the task parallelism. In this work, we proposed a new booking strategy that books exactly what is necessary for a task, given what is already booked by its predecessors in the tree. We have shown by extensive simulations on realistic trees that this leads to better task parallelism and reduces the overall processing time.