
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1K. Burrage, J. Erhel.

    On the performance of various adaptive preconditioned GMRES, in: Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 1998, vol. 5, pp. 101-121.
  • 2J. Carrayrou, J. Hoffmann, P. Knabner, S. Kräutle, C. De Dieuleveult, J. Erhel, J. Van der Lee, V. Lagneau, K. Mayer, K. MacQuarrie.

    Comparison of numerical methods for simulating strongly non-linear and heterogeneous reactive transport problems. The MoMaS benchmark case, in: Computational Geosciences, 2010, vol. 14, no 3, pp. 483-502.
  • 3P. Chartier, B. Philippe.

    A Parallel Shooting Technique for Solving Dissipative ODE's, Part 1: Theoretical Analysis; Part 2: Numerical Implementation, in: Computing, 1993, vol. 51, no 3-4, pp. 209-236.
  • 4R. Choquet, J. Erhel.

    Newton-GMRES algorithm applied to compressible flows, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 1996, vol. 23, pp. 177-190.
  • 5M. Crouzeix, B. Philippe, M. Sadkane.

    The Davidson Method, in: SIAM, Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 1994, vol. 15:1, pp. 62-76.
  • 6J.-R. De Dreuzy, A. Beaudoin, J. Erhel.

    Asymptotic dispersion in 2D heterogeneous porous media determined by parallel numerical simulations, in: Water Resource Research, 2007, vol. 43, no W10439, doi:10.1029/2006WR005394.
  • 7J. Erhel, S. Rault.

    Algorithme parallèle pour le calcul d'orbites : Parallélisation à travers le temps, in: Technique et science informatiques, 2000, vol. 19, no 5.
  • 8H. Hoteit, J. Erhel, R. Mosé, B. Philippe, P. Ackerer.

    Numerical Reliability for Mixed Methods Applied to Flow Problems in Porous Media, in: Computational Geosciences, 2002, vol. 6, pp. 161-194.
  • 9M. Muhieddine, É. Canot, R. March, R. Delannay.

    Coupling heat conduction and water-steam flow in a saturated porous medium, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011, vol. 85, no 11, pp. 1390-1414. [ DOI : 10.1002/nme.3022 ]
  • 10Y. Saad, M. Yeung, J. Erhel, F. Guyomarc'h.

    A deflated version of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2000, vol. 21, no 5, pp. 1909-1926.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 12F. Bachoc, A. Bachouch, L. Lenôtre.

    Hastings-Metropolis algorithm on Markov chains for small-probability estimation, in: ESAIM: Proceedings, January 2015, vol. 48, 33 p. [ DOI : 10.1051/proc/201448013 ]

  • 13E. Canot, R. Delannay, S. Mansour, M. Muhieddine, R. March.

    Effective thermal conductivity of a wet porous medium – Presence of hysteresis when modeling the spatial water distribution for the pendular regimé, in: ASME, Journal of Heat Transfert,, 2015.

  • 14J. Erhel, Z. Mghazli, M. Oumouni.

    An adaptive sparse grid method for elliptic PDE with stochastic coefficients, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 27 p.

  • 15S. Mansour, É. Canot, M. Muhieddine.

    Identification of the Thermophysical Properties of the Soil by Inverse Problem, in: ASME, Journal of Heat Transfert,, 2015, 9 p.


Invited Conferences

  • 16J. Erhel, T. Migot.

    About some numerical models for geochemistry, in: 6th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2015.

  • 17J. Erhel, T. Migot.

    About some numerical models for geochemistry, in: Workshop MoMaS on reactive transport, Paris, France, November 2015.

  • 18J. Erhel, M. Oumouni, G. Pichot.

    Generation of a stationary Gaussian random field, in: Momas workshop on multiphase flow, Nice, France, October 2015.

  • 19J. Erhel, S. Sabit.

    A global reactive transport model applied to the MoMaS benchmark, in: MAMERN'15, Pau, France, B. Amaziane, E. Ahusborde, D. Barrera, J. Ibañez-Pérez, R. Romero-Zaliz, D. Sbibih (editors), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, EUG, June 2015, pp. 303-326.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 20E. Canot, R. Delannay, S. Mansour.

    Reorganization of liquid menisci between solid grains during evaporation/condensation of water in a wet porous medium, in: InterPore 7th Conference on Porous Media, Padua, Italy, May 2015.

  • 21J.-R. d. Dreuzy, J. Maillot, C. DARCEL, P. Davy, Y. Méheust, G. Pichot.

    Power-averaging method to characterize and upscale permeability in DFNs, in: AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, United States, American Geophysical Union, December 2015, pp. H53I-03.

  • 22S. Mansour, É. Canot, M. Muhieddine, R. March, J. A. Cordero.

    Estimation of the Thermophysical Properties of the Soil by Inverse Problem, using Experimental Data during Liquid/Vapour Phase Change, in: InterPore 7th Conference on Porous Media, Padua, Italy, May 2015.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

Internal Reports

  • 25É. Canot.

    Le modèle EWGM : Implémentation numérique 1-D des variantes A et B, IRISA, Équipe SAGE, 2015, 11 p.

  • 26É. Canot, S. Mansour, R. Delannay.

    Evaporation/Condensation of water in a granular medium, restricted to the pendular regime: the EWGM model, IRISA, équipe SAGE, 2015, 18 p.

  • 27S. Mansour, E. Canot, R. Delannay, R. J. March, J. A. Cordero, J. Carlos Ferreri.

    Estimation of the Thermophysical Properties of the Soil together with Sensors' Positions by Inverse Problem, Inria Rennes, équipe SAGE ; Universite de Rennes 1 ; CNRS, May 2015.


Scientific Popularization

Other Publications

  • 31A. Lejay, L. Lenôtre, G. Pichot.

    One-dimensional skew diffusions: explicit expressions of densities and resolvent kernels, December 2015, working paper or preprint.

  • 32L. Lenôtre.

    A Strategy for Parallel Implementations of Stochastic Lagrangian Simulation, November 2015, working paper or preprint.

  • 33L. Lenôtre.

    Some functionals of n-dimensional skew diffusions, October 2015, working paper or preprint.

  • 34L. Lenôtre.

    Two numerical schemes for the simulation of skew diffusions using their resolvent kernel, October 2015, working paper or preprint.
