The Inria's Research Teams produce an annual Activity Report presenting their activities and their results of the year. These reports include the team members, the scientific program, the software developed by the team and the new results of the year. The report also describes the grants, contracts and the activities of dissemination and teaching. Finally, the report gives the list of publications of the year.
Nabil Nassif, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, April, 1 week
Lamia Guellouz, ENIT, Tunisia, May, 1 week
Marwen ben Refifa, University of Tunis, 5 months, April-July 2015
Salwa Mansour, Lebanese University, 8 months, Feb-Sep 2015
Lionel Lenôtre visited Pr. Dr. Sylvie Roelly and her students at Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany, one week, December 2015.